Vasodilators such as minoxidil, expand capillaries in the hair follicles, improving their blood supply. In addition, they stimulate the transition of follicles from the "dormant" phase in a state of active growth. Vials containing vasodilators are most effective for hair loss, caused by an excess of male hormones in the body, with disease duration less than 10 years and younger patients.
Hormonal drugs included in the ampoule funds represented mainly finasteride. It blocks the conversion of testosterone (male sex hormone) into dihydrotestosterone, is having a devastating effect on the hair follicles. This type of ampoules effective in the treatment of hair loss caused by increased sensitivity of hair follicles to DHT, ie in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia.
Herbal extracts in capsules for hair loss are presented extracts from a variety of exotic plants. According to statements by their manufacturers, they combine the effect of vasodilators as well as hormonal preparations. These funds do not have strict indications for use and can be used in the treatment of hair loss caused by various reasons. Like many herbal products, they often do not have the evidence base, and their effectiveness is disputed.
Effectiveness of ampoules from hair loss depends on how properly selected drug and followed the recommendations on its use. Treatment of alopecia only by external means, including vials, may be unsuccessful because cause of the disease may be caused by vitamin deficiency, hormonal imbalance, cancer, etc. Combined therapy combining external means and receiving physician selected drugs will give the best results.