In case of intensive hair loss using various decoctions and infusions of herbs for rinsing. The best folk remedy for this disease is a nettle. Leaves of young nettle pour boiling water and put on fire. Boil for about 15 minutes. Then give the broth infuse for an hour. In this decoction should rinse hair after every wash.
Useful before every wash hair rubbed into the scalp aloe juice and garlic. For one application is sufficient to squeeze the juice from 2-3 and 3-4 cloves of garlic aloe leaves. The resulting tool thoroughly rubbed into the scalp and leave for 40 minutes. After intensive wash your hair with shampoo and dry.
To strengthen the hair follicle is very useful decoction of burdock root and calendula flowers. To 1 liter. water brewed with 20 grams of marigold flowers and burdock root. Infusion is used as a rinsing agent after washing your hair.
The most ancient and proven remedy for hair loss is castor oil. It is easy to buy in any pharmacy items. It is used usually in the form of heat. Required amount of oil to heat in a water bath and liberally lubricate massaging the hair roots. It is desirable to wrap your head in a thick towel and leave it for a few hours. After a good wash your hair cleansing shampoo.
Restore and strengthen hair roots will help mask on the basis of egg yolk, onion and burdock oil. Burdock oil can replace conventional olive. This mask is prepared immediately prior to the application. You must grate 1 medium onion, add 1 egg yolk and 2-3 tablespoons of burdock oil. The resulting slurry was applied to the roots of the hair and wait 40 minutes. Then wash your hair as usual.
Strengthen the roots of the hair may not only external methods. There are plenty of vitamin-mineral complexes to strengthen and healthy hair growth, which structure is usually composed of matter and trace elements necessary precisely hair. It is advisable to just include in your diet foods such as meat turkey, chicken, river and sea fish. Good building material for luxury and strong hair are dairy products, raw vegetables and fruits. But sweet harm to hair, especially in large quantities.