Do not forget to take to the sea headgear (hat, scarf or cap), which will protect hair from the effects of the sun's heat and ultraviolet light. In addition, you need to stock up with quality hair care products. Wash your hair at sea need quite often, so choose a special gentle shampoo with moisturizing effect and protection from ultraviolet radiation. Do not neglect the special protective cosmetics (oil, foam, cream) to be applied to the hair in the morning, before going out in the sun. Returning from the beach, remove it using a shampoo.
If there is no protector, add a few drops of shampoo olive, almond or burdock oil. The components that make up these drugs are well soften the hair and gives it a healthy glow.
After returning from vacation hair provide special care regenerating. Expose their coloring or chemical perms can be no earlier than two weeks after the rest of the sea. To nourish and repair damaged hair a course of vitamin therapy. Rub into the roots and scalp oil solution of vitamin E. Leave a means for 20-25 minutes. After this, take a raw egg yolk and apply it to the hair along the entire length, massaging the scalp and hair so that the yolk lightly foamed. Leave the mask on hair for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water without shampoo. Wherever possible naturally dry hair, without the hair dryer.