One of the beneficial properties of yoghurt is its ability to wash the pigment from the hair, thereby using kefir mask can not only brighten strands and partially flush with the dyed hair dye. Although kefir mask does not make its admirers in spectacular blondes, but allows you to make your hair lighter (usually a few shades). Furthermore, after use hair looks healthier, better hair growing and do not suffer from aggressive, as the application of various methods using chemical brightening composition.
To lighten used as regular kefir mask, and the means with a rather complicated recipe. Under normal kefir yogurt mask is meant drawing on clean, dry hair (if it is not, then you can sometimes substitute yogurt yogurt with homemade milk).
If we talk about something more complex recipes, for example, can make a kefir mask for medium length hair, for which you will need a quarter cup of yogurt, 2 tablespoons brandy, egg, juice squeezed from half a lemon and 1 tsp any shampoo. It is worth noting that the choice of yogurt for the mask is better not to give preference to low-fat products.
All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the mask is applied evenly to the hair over the entire length thereof. Then, it is desirable to put on his head a plastic cap (or wrap hair in plastic wrap) and wrap head with a towel. This mask will be more effective than longer keep her on the head. Therefore, those who want to get as a result of a slight lightening of the hair should hold it for several hours (but not less than 2), and that there has been a greater degree of clarification can be applied kefir mask at night and in the morning wash your hair with shampoo and apply on hair firming balm.
It is worth mentioning that make kefir mask can be no more than twice a week.