How to remove a red tint to the hair

How to remove a red tint to the hair
 Most of the lovely ladies constantly experimenting on their appearance in search of a unique image. Unfortunately, very few people from the first time can not find the perfect hair color. What to do if you want something new, and the red tint on the hair turned out to be very persistent?
 If you do not like your hair a reddish color when stained or you got a red tide, which really did not expect, then the easiest way is to discoloration (blondirovanie) your head of hair using clarifiers. With further paint of a different color. However, the hair you thank you for it will not tell. Blondes in this respect easier - they can just paint your tresses in a darker shade.

You can also try to remove the red acid stripper provided that before you painted a dark color dye oxide. Or do pickling. It is also painful for the hair, but not to the same extent as removers contain ammonia. They do not discolor, but only pulled out of the hair coloring pigments. Washes are good because they do not act on the unpainted part, such as the roots of the hair. But even they are fairly mild effect does not pass without consequences. After using washes also have to seek the assistance of medical cosmetics.

If staining occurs via a toning shampoo or balm, then to remove red tide suit supra. But supra requires special care, because very harmful to your hair.

Then you need to dye your hair in the color you want. Doing this is not desirable immediately after removing old paint, a few days later. Ideally through2-4 weeks. This is necessary in order to allow hair to relax and treat the harmful procedures using nutrient masks.

On dark hair remove red tide can be purple. To do this, buy a professional paint dark necessarily with a purple tint. And one more risky option - to hide the red tide of green tint. Both of these procedures are best done in a hair salon or at least, after consultation with the master.

At home, without resorting to chemicals to get rid of the natural red color can be, rubbing the hair, almond, burdock, linseed, olive oil and a little beer or brandy. This mask is applied for three hours before washing the head. It is useful to rinse curls decoction of chamomile, which is slightly lightens hair. In addition to these methods, you can mute the red tide using kefir or yogurt, if you put them on your hair and leave for half an hour. Of course, folk remedies will not produce instant effect, but they are absolutely harmless and are able to repair the damaged structure of your strands.

Tags: paint, color tone, hair, red staining