If you want a small curls, then take small strands of hair, and if light waves - more voluminous strands. Before perm apply a small amount of foam or mousse, so the curls will hold longer.
There are two ways to curl hair utjuzhkom. First, create a spiral. It's the easiest way. To do this, hold down the strand in a couple of inches from the base of the hair. Then lower pad vertically and rotate them in a semicircle to cheat on him a lock. Move the forceps gently until the very end. If you wish, you can tweak only the tips. For this strand does not pinch the hair from the bottom and from the middle or lower.
Second, create a classic curls. To do this, hold down the strand in 7-9 inches from the root end wrap it once through the top plate of ironing. Then make one turn in the direction of the tongs head by screwing them on the upper part of the strand. Then stretch the hair and it does not compress much of the plate and hold the pad in a horizontal direction. With this method, the waves get a nice and fast. There are even rectifiers, conducive to work on wet hair. They greatly save your time, get rid of the hair drying.
To make it easy to create curls styler, use clamps. After you finish fixing spray hairspray.
To extend the life of your pressing of follow basic rules. Firstly, the wire should not fall into the hot tongs. Secondly, after use of the turn styler network. Third, clean it from cosmetics: hold a damp cloth between the hot tongs and pull it out. Fourth, keep it in the bag.