Appliances balayazh - is painting the tips of the hair in tone, opposite the main hair color or shade on the roots. At the same time lovers of natural colors can barely set off the tips, making them slightly lighter or darker pitch, and the ladies with bright color hair color tips, even in a contrasting color. A method of coloring depends on the length of the tip of the hair.
Before you paint the tips of the hair, make sure they are well maintained. Go to the hairdresser and then align regrown hair, split ends. The brighter the color is the hair on the tips, the stronger will become noticeable disadvantages.
The easiest way to do balayazh short hairstyles with a "ragged" strands. On dry hair bouffant do so sharp points sticking up. The foil was put a little paint or just dip into it fingertips and then "pinching" the hair ends so that they had a sufficient amount of paint. If you do not want to paint the entire surface of the hair, and just want to make a contrasting color fringing, lift up and fix your hair, you do not want painted. To not get clear boundaries, choose hair parted "asterisk". Having prepared for painting locks, put them under the foil and color hair, then wrap them and secure.
Medium length hair stands completely divided into small square locks, moving from the left to the right ear. Of the strands do a small tail and wrap in foil so that in the end on the head to get a "hedgehog" with protruding ends. Paint the tips of the "bite" and leave it for the time required to fix the dye.
If you want to achieve precise geometric lines, place them under the hair foil and apply the paint smooth lines with a brush. However, this procedure is much more difficult past, and it is recommended to do a professional.
After you wash away the dye to the hair ends, refresh your entire hair. Apply paint to the roots of the hair and comb it spread over the entire length, a bit leading up to the tips. After 15 minutes, wash it off with the hair.