Foams, sprays and gels not only allow long hair to retain in its original form, but also provide a visual effect of smooth and shiny hair. Today, these tools can easily be found in the respective store.
Then you can proceed directly to the hair. There are several ways of curling hair. First, the most common - is the use of curling irons. Washed and dried up hair strands separate wind on hot tongs. To create a playful curls-springs, wind the hair, holding curling vertically.
Each strand lightly sprayed with lacquer or spray to lock after winding. Otherwise hair glued to the hot surface. To achieve a perfect result you need to stock up considerable patience. But it is important to remember that hot curling method should not be abused, as there is a risk severely damage the hair. Instead, you can use forceps round hairbrush and hair dryer - on the need to wind the strand comb and dry her hair dryer, giving hair the desired shape.
Own to create beautiful curls can be another way. Freshly washed hair slightly dry and carefully comb. Each strand lightly sprinkle with varnish and screw in a tight harness that is attached to a clip invisible. To form a special "donut."
After all the hair is curled, they should be dry, it can use a hairdryer. After drying, it is necessary to wait for complete cooling and dissolve the hair strands. If you have time - you can not do without a hair dryer and let curls dry naturally. Curly hair should spread your fingers and gently comb the roots. Finished hairstyle should fix Styling.
Another simple way to create curls at home involves the use of foam and hair dryer. Damp, carefully combed locks applied Styling. Then, a strand of hair in the palm of compressed and dried hairdryer. It is important not to save the foam, as it was from her will depend on the number of long-term hairstyle. As a result, the hair is wavy, repeating the effect of "wet chemistry". This hairstyle can keep their form until the next shampooing, the main thing - every day in the morning "update" it with foam and a hair dryer.
So every girl with straight hair can create beautiful hair curls and ringlets of the minimum time.