Why hair falls out? Causes of hair loss can be very different. Here are some of them:
- Chill. Hair suffer in the cold season, especially when we are indifferent to the torments they are experiencing. But it's true: when we are afraid to spoil the styling and refuse to wear a hat in the fierce cold, our hair is experiencing severe stress. The cold is very cruel to them, because it constricts blood vessels of the head, from this blood supply is disrupted, and, as a consequence, the power of hair. Therefore, in the cold, each of us must carefully wrap up the hair to the tips. Those ladies who are staunch opponents of caps, risk losing their luxurious curls, which in the spring will remind battered loofah. I must say that most of the girls are well aware of the dangers of frost, but still prefer to flaunt hatless. Pity your hair! Then it will be much harder to recover their strength.
- Stress. A very common cause of hair loss - the nerves, emotions, frustration. How many of them we are experiencing daily! .. Domestic problems, trouble at work, quarrels with relatives - and then in horror looking at the comb, which remained after combing the whole strand of hair.
- Lack of vitamins. Perhaps the reason for distress hair is simple - lack of vitamins. Then you need to take care of your health: vitamins will not only improve the condition of hair, but also enhance immunity.
When the hair falls out ...
When a woman discovers that her hair had lost its former volume and began to fall, it strikes at the universal panic and vanity. Stop! Try to calm down and pull myself together, otherwise his panic you deprive yourself still a good half hair. Do not give up, and vice versa - Save the hair.
To start, stop using paints, undesirable during dye your hair loss. Of course, walking with regrowth and hair of unknown color is not very desirable, but now much more important than the health of hair. Another foe damaged hair - perming. It is known that a girl with curly hair dream of direct and girls with straight hair curls like to do, but in the treatment of hair, it is desirable to leave everything in the original form.
Pepper Tincture for hair
Effective against loss is consideredpepper tincture. Or it can be purchased at the pharmacy, or make the most of. For a start it is better not to use it in its pure form, especially if you have sensitive skin. In addition, if your scalp is dry, then pepper tincture can it retain moisture, which can cause dandruff. Therefore, pepper tincture can do all sorts of masks, but if it will not cause burning, irritation and allergies, it can be used in pure form.Pepper Tincture for hair - Proven traditional remedy for falling hair. The effect of it is excellent!
How to prepare a tincture of pepper for hair growth
1 large red pepper cayenne bitter chop and pour 1 cup of vodka. Bank to put in a dark place and insist 1-3 weeks. There is also a recipepepper tincture for hair growth1 part cayenne pepper to pour 8th parts of alcohol or vodka, insist 25 days. Every 5 days tincture stir. Then strain before using one part of tincture diluted with ten parts of water, rub a cotton swab into the hair roots.
How does pepper tincture for hair growth
Tincture of pepper improves blood circulation, stimulates hair growth. Hair stronger and begin to grow faster. Become strong, alive, improving their condition. The infusion should be rubbed into the roots only, without causing the entire length, so that it is not dried up hair.
Masks with pepper tincture for hair growth
1. Mix 1 tbsp liqueur pepper and 1 tbsp of castor oil. The mixture is rubbed into the roots, leave for a time from an hour to two hours. Castor can be replaced by any other vegetable oil that you like. The greatest effect is achieved by burdock, almond and olive oils.
2. Excellent firming mask for hair: burdock, onion juice, honey, egg yolk and tincture. The mixture is rubbed into the roots of the hair, leave for 1-2 hours. With regular use of hair stopped falling out.
3. onion juice, castor oil, tincture of pepper, egg yolk, brandy, honey. Make a mixture, rub the hair roots and leave for 1-2 hours
4. The infusion of pepper can be used even when dry scalp. To do this, a few tablespoons of liqueur mixed with yogurt and egg yolks.
In the mask, you can add your favorite essential oils. The advantage of pepper tincture is that anyone can be a mixture depending on the condition of their hair. Journal JustLady recalls thattincture of pepper hair is intended only for the roots and scalp, otherwise it will dry hair.
Pepper tincture - this wonderful and effective remedy against hair loss. I am glad that in this case the alcohol acts as a useful drug, but not liquor, are confused consciousness. Do not be afraid that you will come vodka aroma, because the mask based on infusions leaves no odor on the hair. And if you'll still be added to mask the essential oil, your hair will smell sweet flowers. We wish you grow braid to her waist!
Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady