Set of available tools for creating intimate hairstyles unrestricted. For these purposes, and paint and tattoos and piercings. Applied also rhinestones, feathers, sequins and other decorative elements. It all depends on what kind of want to get the result at the end of the procedure. After all, you can simply restrict neat haircut, but you can create a masterpiece right on intimate place.
We physicians have an opinion about the intimate hairstyles. Gynecologists are sure to remove the entire hair should be only in the bikini area, and around and directly on the genitals they should leave, just a little bit shorter. Why leave? Because the hair to protect the genitals from mechanical damage and retain the natural protection of the female body.
Hairstyle should be done only in the proven solid cabin with a good reputation, otherwise a great risk that you can pick up an infection from which will have a very long and painful treatment. The whole procedure is carried out on the couch, just what are in gynecological offices. If the haircut is quite simple, it is performed by a machine. If on an intimate place going to do the whole work of art, you will need local anesthesia. And you have to remember is that any hairstyle requires correction. Usually, after 2-3 weeks.
Patterns and shapes hair very, very much. Sometimes, however, that haircut looked spectacular, it must be chosen based on the type of figure client. For example, girls who have wide hips, you should choose a design that will be narrowed to the bottom. It triangles located base up hearts soaring bird or downward pointing arrow. Such forms visually narrow hips. Girls with narrow hips should choose hairstyles in the shape of a triangle, but directed acute angle upwards. A striking example is the Christmas trees, leaves, mushrooms.
Among the most popular intimate hairstyles are the following. Month - it's just a classic. In some cases it may be tinted with special paints. New York haircut is done in the form of a torch. Originality and singularity of this model can be given if the paint it in the appropriate colors. Tulip - is a hit hairstyles and haircuts autumn-winter period. Also popular hairstyle is "Brazilian", which is a thin strip, chastely covering the most important intimate places. In general, choose a hairstyle intimate fairly easily. It would be a desire, and so the result is sure to be appreciated.