How to wash away the hair tonic with

How to wash away the hair tonic with
 Girls love the variety and they like to experiment with their appearance, especially with hairstyles and hair color. This often used tonics - tint balms, they do not spoil the hair so as resistant paint, but quickly lose their saturation. In addition, they often give unpredictable results, so instead of red it is possible to get on your hair purple.
 It is believed that a painting Balsam (tonic, tonic) withdraw easier than resistant paint, and to what extent this is true. However, it should be noted that although tonic begins to run off quickly, in part, he may remain on the hair for quite some time, especially on melirovannyh, and if the color toners very different from your natural.

First, the easiest way - multiple shampoo shampoo uncolored hair, preferably on the grass. This may help, but may not work, which is largely dependent on you used toning balm and the health of the hair. Previously unpainted and strong hair faster reject coloring pigment.

Often quite well help folk remedies. For example, you can not wash your hair with shampoo and chamomile extract. Effect is given as kefir mask or mask with burdock oil for a few hours. Apply the oil on your hair, put on his head a plastic shower cap or bag on top - a towel or a warm hat. Keep the mask on your hair longer, you can do them at night. It may take several treatments in a row.

Sometimes stores can be found on sale special agent for washing toning balm - Retoniku, but, in practice, it does not always help. You can try professional-quality wash, which is sold in stores hairdressing supplies. But it does not always produce a perfect result or have to use it more than once. You can go to the salon, hairdresser to make a wash for you.

The result can be different, someone tonic washed off fairly quickly, someone she goes too long or unevenly. Therefore often have to color my hair on top of already resistant paint. And it is also important to carefully better with a good specialist.

If you mess up your hair repeated washing with various means, be sure to look after them - make nourishing and moisturizing mask, it is best with honey, yogurt and vegetable oils.

Tags: hair tonic, balsa