If you wish to perform a classic styling that is perfect for special occasions, and for each day, then dry wet hair, directing the flow of the hair dryer on a round-drawn comb her hair. Move the air stream from the top down. Thus, operate on each strand, paying special attention to the lateral zones. After you have dried your hair, comb tighten up tips and fix them with wax.
There are also more simple embodiment of such stacking - use a hair dryer with a nozzle in the form of a circular comb. So you kill two birds at once - build up a lock and tighten up the tips.
If you want to give the hair some negligence, perform packing, pre-causing hair foam. Dry strands "in sequence" from the bottom. For convenience, you can stab the exterior locks. Dry your hair, as in the previous version, but do not tighten up the ends outward and straighten or just a little tuck in any direction. When you dry your hair, fix her hair wax, slightly lifting the roots in the parietal area and fixing tips.
Casual styling option for "lazy" takes a similar hairstyle holders of not more than 10 minutes. Simply apply to wet hair fixing means (foam or wax), head down and dry the hair dryer. By the way, it is not necessary to use a comb.
Cascading hair can be installed not only with a hair dryer. This haircut - a vast field for activity. You can use the hair iron (pre causing hair protection spray that will prevent undesirable consequences in the form of split ends), straightened locks up perfectly smooth state. It will emphasize the structure of a "cascade". This result stands with lacquer.
Electric curling iron or curlers too has not been canceled, but it is worth remembering that the short hair on the crown is better to leave straight. It should be remembered, and that large curls look great on stage is much more profitable than smaller ones.