Many women are familiar with the situation when the hair healthy-looking and thick, pushatsya. And the view from this hairstyle is not the same. Women's magazine JustLady confident that modern women have every chance to make your hair smooth and strong, like a Russian beauties of the past centuries. All you need - to learn the rules of care and patience.
So, the topic of today's discussion:how to make hair smooth.
The first tip from the magazine JustLady: buy a good hair comb.
You know that the condition of hair depends on the brush? And daily combing may even harm the hair, if it used an improper brush. The thing is that the only suitable for hair brushes or wooden brush with natural bristles. Buy them is not so difficult - they have almost any store, though they are more expensive than plastic. But we will strongly suggested not to save. Good comb worth its price! Combing hair brush wood, you improve the condition of the hair, making them more smooth and elastic. So if you are thinking about,how to make hair smoothTo start buy good comb.
Second Board of the journal JustLady: try not to wash your hair with hot water. Ideally, water should be boiled or defend, but sometimes it is difficult to implement, so try to at least keep an eye on the water temperature. And again, a good comb the hair before washing.
You care about the question of whetherhow to make hair smooth? Then listen to the advice of a third magazine JustLady: try to use a hairdryer as little as possible.
Generally blow-drying - it is not the most useful procedure. Therefore, if you have the time, then dry the hair naturally. If you just can not do without this device, adjust the temperature of the air - it is desirable to dry your hair the cool air. It is better if you leave the hair slightly damp, so they dosyhali at room temperature.
Tip Four: Rinse your hair with cool water.
One good way how to make hair smooth - a rinse with cool water. After all, if you look, sleek hair - a hair cuticle closed. And cool water well contributes to this. After rinsing the hair is shiny, elastic, obedient, not electrified.
Speaking of that,how to make hair smooth, We can not talk about these things, which today offers us the cosmetic industry. First of all, to achieve the goal - smooth hair - should align their structure. To do this you need to pick a good conditioner, contributing to the closure of scales. Best suited smoothing conditioner with jojoba oil or rosemary extract. If you think about how to make your hair smooth using professional tools, try leveling serum. It is applied to wet hair. Serum makes the hair much more smooth and silky, and to achieve excellent effect enough only a few drops of funds.
Remember also that hair with a cross-section of the tips will never be smooth. Unfortunately, to solve this problem can only scissors. Therefore, without regret, go to a beauty salon and cut posechennye hair. That you did not have a back problem, choose yourself a good moisturizing and smoothing mask. Try haircut hot scissors - it is an effective method of dealing with the section ends. Then the hair will look more well-groomed.
You do not know,how to make hair smoothWhen they become dry and hard, like a straw? The reasons for this state of hair can be a lot of, for example, high temperature air dryer, the sun's rays, lack of care. Do yourself a mask for deep repair damaged hair. Women's magazine JustLady recommends the following mask: 1 tsp jojoba oil, 4 drops of rosemary essential oil, 4 drops of essential oil of sage. Rub this mixture with your fingertips into the roots and spread through his hair. Leave the mask on for half an hour, then wash off with shampoo.
How to make your hair smooth in a beauty salon
Now beauty salons There was widespread screening procedure that deeply moisturizes the hair, making it smooth, shiny and silky. The essence of the procedure is the following: is applied to the hair nourishing colorless compound that penetrates deep into the hair structure, filling it with moisture. This procedure can be carried out independently, and after dyeing. The effect of shielding stored at least for a month.
Journal JustLady wants you to achieve smooth and shiny hair!
Alice Terentyeva / Women's Magazine JustLady