To create hairstyles with rollers need curling hair to curl curls previously, pins and barrettes and hair spray or foam.
At the initial stage will increase the available amount of hair. To do this, divide hair into curls and curl each in curling (curling hair).
To create more volume in the crown of the head separated from the lower strand of hair. The resulting strand to secure the crown of the head pin or barrette and leave it for a while.
Collect the remaining strands and twist in the roller. Let them be free ends. Coming back to the hair, separated on the top, and nacheshite them from the roots. Backcombed strand roll in the form of poluvalika and gives volume using the varnish, and then lock the pins. The remaining ends of the hair from the bottom strands tighten up in the direction in which podkrucheny strands on top. If some strands loose from hairstyles, then tighten up their forceps. Secure the resulting hair lacquer.
Her hair with rollers can be done a little differently. Zacheshite all the hair from the nape of the neck up. Grab the hair with his left hand at a distance of one-third of their length from the roots. The resulting tail attach a rubber band for hair and wrap it inside at the roots around the index finger of his right hand. Fold the ends of the hair down and podotknite under the resulting roll. Located centrally secure the top roller clamp, and then podkoly pins so that no further locks falling out of the beam. The remaining strands of hair around the roller kill it using stealth. Hairstyle is ready.
In addition, there is an option hairstyles with contact roller, which will also look great. Rollers for hairstyles can be purchased at any specialized shop.