How to make curls

How to make curls
 Girl with curly hair dream of straight hair, and having straight hair - curls on. Curls will give you a naughty and more youthful appearance and neat curls - glamorous and elegant. In addition, curled ringlets or curls are suitable for those who grow their hair and for this purpose they have no trims hairdresser. Curls and ringlets can be done in many ways, and you can choose for your hair.

How to make curls

Small curls can be created using papilotok. This method is still used by our ancestors, mother and grandmother. Curlers, which can be found on sale - this long, narrow cylinders of foam, which is located inside the metal pins. But curlers can also do it yourself. To do this, cut into long strips 15h3 (or 15h2) see a linen cloth. Then take a paper handkerchief (you can paper towel), spin straw and put it on a cloth. Imagine, the fabric - this wrapper and the paper handkerchief - a sweet, to be wrapped in a wrapper and twist so curlers. Such papilotok need to do 20-30 pieces. Before you wrap your hair to wash, then a little dry. Now, every strand of hair is rolled around the curlers and tying the ends of the fabric. And so the whole head. Curlers need to hold on the head all night. Unlike curlers, they are soft and comfortable to sleep in these. Morning curlers must be removed. If they kept neat, you can leave them for the next time. Comb the curls do not have to - it is better to model the hair with your fingers, and then sprinkle with curls with hairspray.


How to make curls

To create curls or wavy hair, you can braid pigtails. On the night of damp or wet hair, lightly moistened with styling mousse, you can braid braids a lot, and in the morning you will have the curls. The finer the braids, the smaller curls are obtained.


How to make curls

With curlers can make bigger curls.
Bobbins. This plastic sticks with holes that hold the hair with the help of gum. Small curls in the hair are kept longer, but large curls give hair volume. Therefore, creating curls, you can alternate bobbin small and medium diameter. Bobbins applied to wet hair soaked mousse, spray or foam to create curls.

Bigudi- "boomerangs" - a wire-wrapped foam. It is necessary to wind the strands of hair on the boomerangs, and wrap the ends of the rollers. Due to the flexible wire boomerangs perfectly kept, and thanks to the softness of the foam in them comfortable to sleep. The size depends on the size of curls curlers.

If you do not fit the way to sleep in curlers, try hot rollers. They need to put in boiling water for 10 min., Then gently pull out and cheat on dry hair. To get the curls, quite like a hot rollers 20-30 minutes.

Velcro rollers - a curler round shape of the plastic base on which stretched Velcro. Simply screw the strands of hair in curlers, and thanks to Velcro, they will keep themselves well. With Velcro curlers to bed is not very comfortable, it is best to dry your hair in curlers hairdryer. Velcro rollers are well suited for short hair, and less - for thick, curly and long, because hair can go awry.

Once you have removed the rollers, unscrew each strand and divide into small strands. Separate locks secure the wax, then fix the hair lacquer.


If you need no curls and wavy hair will help to create a wave mousse. On a slightly washed towel-dried hair, apply foam to create curls. Head bowed down as follows pound and remember his hair. When hair is dry out, sprinkle them with lacquer varnish, and even slightly remember.


Beautiful curls can be done also with forceps-curling. For large curls need to use pliers larger diameter for small - accordingly, the smaller. The secret to working with curling irons that are thinner than a strand, the curls clearer. By the way, curling tongs, can also be used for short hair. Short hairstyle with tips podvitymi strands look well-groomed and stylish. However, remember that the frequent use of curling hair hurts and can make them brittle.


Another option - to create curls straightener-utjuzhkom. After all, the rectifier can not only straighten your hair, but also to create beautiful waves and voluminous curls. The rectifier will suit you if you want to create beautiful waves or curls volume. However, for a very small flourishes, this method is unlikely to fit. Quality locks also depends on the model of forceps-rectifier, and from the manufacturer.


Create curls can be a hairdryer and a round hairbrush. In beauty salons this way - the most common, why do not they use at home? You will need a bit of practice, but the waves will look light, vibrant and natural. In addition, using a hair dryer, you can create a lush hair volume! To do this when working with a hairdryer lift the hair at the roots, and then the ends of the hair. However, this method is not suitable for the development of small curls and "glamorous" curls.

Although every rule there is an exception. For example, light and careless curls can be done with a hair dryer. Hairdryer creates strands of curls with the nozzle - a centrifuge, which spins the strand under the pressure of warm air into a tight cord. You just lightly beaten (dishevel) curls hands - and your curls are ready.


Another modern way to create curls - by air styler with nozzles. The shape and size of the curls produced by an air nozzle shaper dependent. Large brush is suitable for large waves, small - for smaller waves. The kit also includes nasadka- "tongs" - for clearer curls. And yet - head-helix, with which you can create a graphically-crisp curls in a spiral shape.


The classic way to create curls - a perm. Modern compositions for perm now not so much spoil hair like the old ones. Beauty salons offer different ways of curling. Types of perm different technology (traditional, hardware, steam, computer, thermosetting, etc.); by the method of cheating and type styler: American, Japanese, Italian, spiral chemistry, local, radical, vertical, classic, zigzag and many others. By type of curling are acidic, alkaline, neutral and biozavivki.
Especially popular new technology biozavivki hair. Biozavivka not only does not spoil the hair, but also restores their structure. And at the first place in popularity biozavivka "Moss" (Mossa), Italy.


To keep your hair stayed the whole day, use styling products - gel, spray or mousse. Separate curls can be fixed with wax. In conclusion, do not forget to sprinkle a little hair lacquer, preferably with a strong fixation. Experiment and you will really get those curls, ringlets or curls that you like.

Tags: house, small, Curly