How to make a wedding hairstyle

How to make a wedding hairstyle
 Wedding hairstyle must be spectacular, stylish and hold at least a whole day. Many girls prefer to negotiate with the master and perform stowage in the salon or at home. However, there are situations where these variations do not fit. In this case, it is not necessary to abandon the beautiful hairstyle, it is quite possible to do yourself.
 If you have long hair, a win-win would be the easiest option. To do this, you need to wash your hair, dry them, apply a means for laying and align with the help of the hair iron. The hair is then necessary to collect a high "tail" with an ordinary gum. One strand of the "tail" have to get tight and wrap it around the gum so that it becomes invisible. The tip of the strands is better to fix invisible or hairpins. The remaining strands can be laid in two ways. The easiest - to make beautiful curls. For a more complex version is necessary every little strand stick on the head, forming patterns or waves. Fix them, you can also, pins or invisible. If you use stealth, try to stab them so that they remain within the strands and were invisible. After your styling is complete, secure the hair lacquer.

If you have beautiful long thick hair, it makes no sense to hide them in an elaborate hairstyle. Such hair can be curled on curlers just make wet helical stacking on top and decorate with fresh flowers or decorative elements in the style of wedding dress.

Owners of medium length hair can be as high stacking based on the "tail", and opt for a more simple variants, adorned with beautiful hair barrettes with flowers or a tiara. You can use false hair or attach a hairpiece.

Those with short hair can make a charming styling. To do this using the front hair lacquer and mousse fit perfectly smooth, and the rear arms are lifted and placed freely in the form of lung disorder. Side this hairstyle can decorate pins, flowers or rhinestones. It will also be nice if the attach rhinestones across the smooth installation.

Can be formed short hair with the forceps and fixed texture or curls in the desired position by means of a hairspray. In this case, the strands need not comb, otherwise they will lose all the glitter.

If possible, you need to choose a hairstyle for the wedding dress. To smooth satin dress fit styling. Skirts go well with bouffant hairdos. If your dress is simple and elegant, these qualities must comply and styling.

Tags: hairstyle choice