Make beautiful curls at home can help with hair curlers, curling irons, hair iron, hair dryer.
Choosing curlers, should take into account the structure of the hair. If you have thick, strong hair, you can use elektrobigudi, hot rollers. With their help, you can make small and large curls, air locks, depending on the size.
To create a bulk hair, take the curlers of different diameters: small, medium and large. Screw the hair at the crown on large rollers, locks on his head - into small, and the remaining hair - on average. Twist the ends of the hair close to the roots, keep the curlers for 15 minutes, then gently remove, form the hair and secure it with lacquer.
Use hot rollers elektrobigudi and should rarely, constant heat treatment can damage the hair.
Much safer foam curlers, hair curlers, boomerangs, Velcro, bobbins. They are suitable for any hair, foam can cheat at night, they are not a cause for concern.
To make elastic curls, use bobbins. Screw them on wet or soaked in a special tool (spray, foam, mousse) hair. When hair is dry, carefully remove the bobbin, secure locks varnish.
Boomerangs are of different length and thickness, they can be used to create beautiful curls on long and medium hair. Cheat curlers should be to clean, damp hair, grabbing strands so that they do not slip off.
Twist together the ends of hair curlers, when you get to the roots, leave them for 1, 5-3 hours. After carefully remove the curlers, boomerangs, shape hair with fingers and sprinkle with varnish.
Velcro suitable for short and medium hair, they create the root volume and curls, formed by such curlers are obtained by air. To create beautiful curls, apply foam to dry hair, twist the strands of hair in curlers vertically. When moistened foam hair to dry out, carefully remove the curlers and sprinkle each strand of varnish.
To form the curls using curling need moisten hair foam. Screw locks on the back of the head with forceps should be. To make it more convenient, secure most of the hair pins. Separate the strands and tighten them to the curling: thinner than a strand of you take, the smaller will be the curls. Each strand fix varnish. When hair is completely ready, once again put on her coat.
Hair straighteners can do light waves. To do this, grab a strand of hair at the base, then wrap the hair around the bottom of the ironing. And scroll pad over, move to the end of the strand, with his free hand helps the process.
Hair dryer and a round hairbrush - also an option to create curls. Strand must be screwed to the comb, dry warm air. Then gently, not combing hair, remove the comb and fix varnish.