The glaze is of two kinds: colored and colorless. At the hairdresser you can leave your hair color, make it a few shades lighter, darker or brighter. No matter your natural hair or colored glaze works in both cases. If desired, you can change the color of the glaze, leaving the hairdresser every time with a new shade.
For owners of medium length hair glazing procedure lasts about an hour. Initially, the master wash your head, then a little dry hair and cause them means. The glaze is absorbed along the entire length of hair, enveloping them with a thin film, smoothing, gluing split ends and creating a barrier against the sun's rays, which are devastating effect on your hair. Glazing is repeated several times, but the hair absorb only the necessary amount of substance to them. The more damaged and porous structure have hair, the more they absorb glaze (and more expensive, respectively, will cost procedure). If you do not need a full glaze hair curative composition can be covered with only the tips.
The procedure is absolutely harmless - the glaze does not contain ammonia additives. Your hair will have a healthy and shiny look about three to four weeks, depending on how often you wash your hair, and then have to repeat the glazing. Special care glazed hair is not required, experts recommend choosing a mild shampoo to the effect of the procedure last longer.