First, a few general rules. Before laying wash your hair with a mild shampoo and air dry them with a towel. In order to better hairstyle hold, apply on hair styling tool. Select it depending on the desired result, as long as it was light enough and do not stick together strands.
Once the hair has been completed, it sprinkle lacquer for better fixation.
If you use hair pins and all kinds of hair clips or tape, prepare them in advance.
1. You - Princess. This is a fairly simple and safe option. Gather hair, lift them up, twist into a bun and kill above and below the top of the occiput.
Release of a bundle of several strands and curl their curling. In a small bundle of plug one or more small flowers, pins, matching color to your basic outfit.
As an alternative, you can braid hair in a braid any that you like, and also as a beam, put it on his head.
If you have a tiara and matching her earrings - wear them and be on the gala evening of the true princess.
2. Elegant wave. Twist hair into plaits and drain them dryer - you will turn soft, natural waves. Then gather them back into a low bun, garnish pearl barrette or antique. Especially good this hairstyle looks on dark hair.
3. Greek style. Curl hair soft curls and divide into three main parts - two on the sides and leave one in the middle. Then, one by one side of the lift and zacheshite up, twist them into bundles on either side of the face and kill the beautiful bobby pins or hairpins with crystals or flowers.
Middle portion lift up and entered on your own - kill it on the top as a high ponytail and allow it to be freely uncool or roll it into a bundle and decorate the biggest barrette.
Hairstyles for long hair can be limited only by your imagination and quite feasible in the home. If you want to make a complicated hairstyle and be confident that it will last as long as necessary - visit a hair salon and be the most beautiful on the holiday!