Hairbrush with natural bristles: for or against

Hairbrush with natural bristles: for or against
 Correctly selected comb - one of the keys to healthy hair. Considered as the best brushes with natural bristles and mixed combs. They are most suitable and safe. However, before you go shopping, you will be examined in the properties of natural brushes and determine whether they are suitable for you.
 Combs natural bristle - is essentially a brush, which is used to create a pile of wild boar. They allow you to not only brush, but also to lay the hair and make head massage. Unlike other types, such combs do not harm any skin or hair. On the contrary, combing brush provides improved blood circulation, and this has a positive impact on the nutrition of the hair. Combs natural bristle hair is not electrified, even in winter. Villi distribute sebum evenly across the length of your hair, and this helps to avoid dry ends fatty roots. Finally, the brushes do not spoil the very structure of the hair, "polished" and give the head of hair extra shine.

Minus in natural bristle hairbrushes one, but for some it can be very significant. Combs with one hundred percent natural bristle completely inappropriate to owners of thick and curly hair: they just do not combed through a hair, but only confuse and raspushat. In addition, they are not recommended for those who have oily skin. But for fine and medium hair - ideal for combing and styling.

Owners luxurious mane comb can recommend mixed with natural bristles and artificial teeth - they rascheshut and smooth. Please note that the harder the hair, the harder bristles should be in the comb.

Try not to buy a brush in regular department stores and hardware stores in the neighborhood. There you will with great probability sell fake. And often under the guise of natural brushes offer ordinary synthetics. Buy natural comb only in specialized stores. These attributes care more difficult and more expensive than conventional plastic or metal combs, and, therefore, to find them is not so easy.

Finally, do not forget that for the brushes requires special and regular maintenance: they must be cleaned of hair and periodically washed with a small amount of shampoo.

Tags: combs, brushes, boar bristle