In addition, the glazing can lighten or do curls for a couple of shades darker. This cosmetic procedure immediately eliminates the problem of split ends. Manufacturers guarantee the safety of the glaze hair because it no ammonia or other chemical components. In this regard, you can not spend glazing once.
The procedure is not carried out without prior purification hair - carefully wash your hair with shampoo. To towel-dried locks apply prepared composition. After 15 minutes, the hair can be rinsed under running warm water and blot with a towel. Then the stabilizer is applied, after 5 minutes, it should be washed off with warm water. The final stage of glazing - apply hair conditioner, it is not necessary to wash off.
If you are using a colorless glaze, just one procedure you will achieve brilliance, radiance and healthy appearance of hair. Coloured glaze enhance your natural color, and it is able to slightly change the color a few shades. However, a new shade, as well as cosmetic itself, is washed off quickly - the average effect of the procedure lasts about 3 weeks.
Hair glazing can be done in the home. In cosmetic shops for professionals, you can buy a kit for coating the hair, it includes tinting colorants, activator, stabilizer and conditioner. Have proven cosmetic products for glazing manufacturers: Matrix, Vibrans, Color Sunk, Salerm Cosmetics.