Glazing procedure is usually performed in salons. Visiting a qualified professional, you are guaranteed to be happy with the condition of your hair. Enrobing as lamination may be carried out with or without staining.
To implement such an event at home, you can purchase special equipment for glazing. You will need a painting dye and an activator, stabilizer and conditioner. As a rule, all sold in sets and will allow you to easily carry out glazing hair at home. Do not forget to buy a container for mixing, gloves and a brush for applying the composition. Would be nice if you would come to the aid of a friend or acquaintance.
First, wash your hair with regular shampoo, gently pat dry with a towel and comb. Then, slowly, prepare the composition. Mix 1 part of the dye and the activator 2 and stir gently for 5-7 minutes, the resulting mixture in a single direction. Take care to avoid air bubbles.
Then resort to the help of your girlfriend or continue this venture on their own. Put on gloves and apply the resulting composition to the hair. You will need a plastic film to wrap her head. After 15 minutes, rinse with head balance and again blot hair with a towel.
The final step is coating the hair foam stabilizer, which allows the surface to align them along the entire length and to keep the brightness of color. Hold the foam for about 5 minutes, wash your hair and dry them. Air Conditioning already apply to dry hair over the entire length.
Do not forget to regularly monitor the condition of your hair and perform reconstructive procedures about 1 every 2-3 weeks.