Classic style
It turns out that there are different types of weaving, different colors and lengths and the variety of hairstyles from Brady. However, there is much confusion in terminology, and it is not clear who and where can professionally braid these exotic Brady! To dispel all doubts and to clarify this fashionable weaving, we talk to a professional in this business, professional - breyderom trained in Chicago, Eve Flash.
- Tell us where and how you learn and why suddenly African braids?
- I went to Chicago to study the system of hair extensions, and there I was very interested in this afrostil, I taught masters weaving and received breydera profession. Basically in America Brady are African nations, looks very impressive, many original hairstyles, weave options. They also use hair extensions and hair bonding, etc. And five years ago, I taught this skill, but by coming to Russia, I realized that people were not yet ready for it. Gradually, however, there were customers, the fashion and popularity afrostil - now it is "rampant" craze!
What kind of specialty breyder?
- This is the area of hairdressing, which run on hairstyles weave braid. Hence the name breyder.
- What is it called Brady and what dreadlocks and braids? Please help me!
- The word braid (braid) from the English noun braid (hair), braid, lace and therefore the verb to weave, braid, wrap. Brady - is braided hair, and not necessarily only in pigtails. Brady species alone there are so many, especially among Africans. But in Russia are popular mainly pigtails, sausages, ropes, harnesses and pseudo-dreadlocks. They all differ in the way of weaving.
pigtails - familiar to us braiding three strands;
sausage - single strand braiding and wrapping it with another;
Rope - two strands twisted helix;
harnesses - weaving strands like about the axis;
pseudo-dreadlocks - weaving different types of Brady based on a few other materials. Externally layman them on not unlike the present dreadlocks;
dreadlocks - is not Brady. They dumped out of the hair. Moreover, the procedure takes a huge amount of days (about a month). As a result, you have to head a few matted strands which, when bored,
will need to shave, so think about whether to make dreadlocks, long and suffer as a result remain without hair!
- What trailing Brady and how to get such long braids?
- Conventional wisdom - if plaiting Brady must have long and thick hair - absolutely wrong! The main thing is that hair was not less than 7 cm. Brady trailing only one-third of your hair, make up two-thirds of additives - artificial materials such as kanikolon. He is woven into the hair by various methods, but due to the ease of synthetic material, it does not weigh down hair, although it seems that such a "shock" hair should be heavy. Not at all! All calculated and made comfortable to wear. Due to the synthetic strands increases several times the length of the hair - you can braid belt right up! A weaving it into your hair, it increases the volume and own hair is not damaged!
- And what about the conventional wisdom that, after Brady then shave the hair though, so they spoil?
- This is absolutely wrong! Braided hair well washed, they can be as normal to dry hair dryer. If you dyed your hair, you can even touch up the roots with time. Brady can curl and do different hairstyles - the mass of options. It all depends on your imagination. A great advantage of Brady, which has already appreciated in Russia, is that within a few months, you do not need every day to do her hair, invent styling, you will always be beautiful and original hair, with whom you can go and at the office, and the party ! Do not be surprised, in fact, many of my clients - the high-profile people, businessmen and also wear Brady. If done professionally, and it looks neat, stylish, expensive, and effectively.
- And how to shoot Brady, if you get tired or they are due?
- On average, Brady are 3-4 months. No longer need, then difficult to remove, it looks ugly. After hair grow about an inch a month, so it turns 4 cm - and it's pretty much! Therefore, if so sorry to part, it is best to twist again! There are problems if people remove their own Brady and even more so if walking a long time. If you are bored with Brady need to see a specialist, which will cause a special nutrient composition to the hair, thanks to which easily without damaging the hair raspletutsya Brady and his hair will be your natural look. If done properly, with the right to remove the drugs, then your hair will remain healthy and beautiful.
Brady not only keep your hair. They help to change your style, image, lengthen your hair and make you the center of attention. After all, with such a beautiful, exotic and fashionable hairstyle, believe me, you will attract a lot of enthusiastic and interested views.
- What is the color and length of these woven into pryadochek?
- The color range is very diverse. Africans love to weave different colored contrasting strands, and we often are asked to pick up the tone your hair to create a natural effect of long thick and luxurious ear! You can add one color. You can on black hair weave white - get a silver shimmering effect. Sometimes clients are worried about bang - think how will hang these little Brady. But there is a way out! We reserve your smooth bangs, and the remaining hair plait! It turns out impressive: bangs and hair of the same color, but different structures!
The length of braided pryadochek - Brady depends on your desire, but the maximum is woven from the waist up.
- And how you hook tip Brady that he did not rasplelsya?
- A lot has decorative elements: a variety of beads, the beads are woven into the ends of the braids. But in Russia, without asking decorative stuff, want a natural tip. Then takes a soldering iron or a lighter and ignited, melts the tip of braided strands. Do not be afraid, because the tip is a synthetic material, it is good and safe for your hair is sealed and lasts a long time! Another very interesting option when the tip combed pigtails - creating the effect of braided hair perfectly straight smooth combed and laid the ends of the hair.
- If any contraindications?
- Do not weave Brady if severe hair loss. And so there is a will ... The only thing I would advise - do not chase the cheapness of work. The fact is that now in Russia there were masters Africans who have this service is relatively cheaper and make faster, but the problem is that they are used to working with tight curly hair south, which must be firmly share, combing, tightening and tight weave . For our European hair is not suitable, we need a more lenient treatment and other power weaving. I have had clients who wove the Africans, and then with damaged, stretched skin and headaches came to me and asked to untwist their Brady!
- Brady - a summer haircut?
- No, Brady and comfortable to wear under a cap and summer. It is very fashionable now. Brady worn regardless of age, sex, season. The most important thing - the desire.
- How is the process?
- Comes client, choose the color, the length is discussed. Divided all the hair into small squares - and begins weaving sector. Often make blatant hack and weave only from their own hair - it turns heads with the finest prolysinami and pigtails! It's not pretty and not professional! Beautiful and impressive looks 200-300 Brady. Average operating time of 8 hours. So prepare for a long conversation with the master! Sometimes speed weave several masters, even helps the client - dopletaet tips, participates in the creation of their hairstyles!
- And how much is it fun?
- Generally 1 pigtail (braid) - $ 1. In the final amount is taken into account, and the number and length of the braid, and can get even cheaper!
- How many calls wanting?
- Of course, because now it is very fashionable and relevant. There are clients who have had braids, and then they come to twist hair in a different weave. Many who want to learn. I teach everyone. Training time only 2 days. The main thing - practice. Tuition fee of $ 100. It pays instantly! For example, the cost is $ 150 hairstyles, you spend only $ 50!
- And what is necessary to have the skills to become breyderom?
- The main desire. Many men learn, and young people - for them a good income. Come and learn from other cities. Hairdressers master too - for them it is like another direction in the art of hairdressing. Learn and then work for many. Why not - the main thing, because desire!