Vitamins for hair

 Today you, as always, have washed your hair with shampoo and were treated to a favorite portion of their nutritious balm. But in spite of all your care, combing noticed that a fair amount of precious strands left on the comb. Or maybe you are unhappy with the lack of natural splendor or too slow speed of regrowth after an unsuccessful haircut? You're so concerned about them, what they still need ?! Today women's magazine JustLady tell you how to choose the right combination of vitamins for hair.  

In category Beauty: Rules applying makeup

It should first be noted that the hair - it keratinous tissue, primarily perform a protective function. The living part of hair is in the depth of skin beneath the epidermis. Hair is composed of keratin protein enriched in sulfur and nitrogen. That is the basic building material for it is a protein.

It is logical to assume that to stimulate hair growth should pay attention to the protein foods such as meat, fish, eggs, vegetable proteins.
But this is not all there is to your hair. To make them shine, slow down hair loss and extend the growth phase requires special vitamins for hair.

Absolutely essential for a luxurious head of hair vitamins B. Since vitamins B12 and B1 nourish the hair vitality, stimulate their growth. The sources of these substances are cereals, meal, meat, eggs, herring, milk and milk products.
Vitamin B2 is contained in the liver and kidneys, fills them shine and helps to maintain a healthy scalp and hair itself.
Vitamin B9, better known as folic acid, regulates hair loss, helps to prevent gray hair early.
Baldness saves and vitamin B6, which are the main sources of nuts, seeds and halva.

Also neededHair vitamins B5 and B3 that support the growth of hair follicles, and vitamin PP (niacin)

One more usefulVitamins for hair - Biotin. It is found in beans, brewer's yeast, brown rice and other products.

Great influence on the growth and condition of curls has vitamin A.
But taking it, in any case can not exceed the norm, otherwise it will lead to hair loss. Natural sources of vitamin A are butter, liver, dairy products, eggs, carrots, cabbage, peppers, greens, apricots, black currant, watermelon.

To improve the blood supply to the scalp and enriching it with oxygen useful vitamin E contained in the liver, egg yolk, vegetable oils, buckwheat and oat groats. It also prevents dandruff.

Vitamins A and E are fat-soluble and are sold in the form of oils, if not part of the vitamin capsules. These vitamins can not only take in, but also to use by adding them to nourishing hair mask.

Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, and therefore absolutely necessary to maintain the health of hair and scalp. They are rich in citrus fruits, all red and yellow fruits and vegetables, sauerkraut, wild rose.

Complexvitamins for hair should also include minerals and trace elements. For example, iron deficiency hair becomes brittle, lack molybdenum retards their growth. With a shortage of sulfur hair become dry, lose their luster and strength, and silicon just need to give them elasticity and strength.
If the hair was falling out, or you notice premature gray hair, be sure to add the vitamin diet copper and zinc.

Also keep in mind that a bad influence on the hair have bad habits, such as smoking. If yours is found such a sin, special vitamins for you you just need. Otherwise, your hairstyle can thoroughly poredet, the hair will become dull and lose their vitality. Of course, it is better to get rid of this habit, but if you feel not ready yet, but at least pay attention to vitamins C and B6, in which your hair now need most.

Now that you know all aboutVitamins for hair, You just have to buy at the pharmacy a good complex containing the necessary elements. Try to drink at least one course, and your hair will thank you.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: hair growth, a mask, a complex review, vitamin