Secrets of the Orient: beauty hair

 Oriental beauty since ancient times to treat hair carefully and used only natural dyes vegetable proiskhozhdeniya.Pochemu should not we take advantage of the secrets of the East?  

Indigofera tinctoria (Indigofera tinctoria) - is a paint for fabric and hair. In conjunction with basmoj proportions depending on the color of the hair giving from brown to black. Even blue color turns black.

Isatis tinctoria (Isatis tinctoria) - blue paint. Dyes his hair black faster than indigo. But the color turns out not so alive as after indigo.

Walnut (Juglans regia) - the leaves or partitions still immature nut. Gives brown, but very unstable. Can severely irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions.

Green peel darkened or walnuts boiled in water for 3-4 hours to yield a dark brown liquid. Strain it, and evaporated to a thick extract. Add to it twice the amount of oil or fat and simmer over low heat until complete evaporation of water. The resulting dark brown cream used for dyeing the hair in brown or brown color.

Used to lighten hairlemon juice: Citrus juice diluted with 1 glass of water and liberally moistened his hair. As rinse lemon juice gives the hair shine, but it should not be used for dry and brittle hair.

Senna (Sassia obovata) - Many manufacturers instead of henna often use senna. It is also called "neutral henna". Senna gives hair blonde golden color and at the same time, as they say, makes hair thicker. Flavonoids present in the composition and the resin.

Betel (Ourouparia gambir) - gives a yellow tint or dye his hair yellow.

Peel onions hair dyed in a brown color.

Saffron with chamomile - In pale yellow. Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) - gives a lighter shade (for blondes).

Castor beans ordinary (castor tree) - in conjunction with henna gives black.

The most popular colors are Oriental Basma and henna. Learn how to use them.

Basma - Is a natural plant dye - an environmentally friendly product containing biologically active substances and vitamins.

Basma is an ideal natural remedy for hair coloring in dark colors (from light brown to black). Used in combination with henna. Basma has remarkable cosmetology properties: stimulates hair growth and gives them a natural shine, improves hair structure and strengthens the roots, eliminates dandruff. Basma is especially recommended if you are sensitive to the chemical components of conventional hair dyes.

It is intended for coloring hair darker tone for coloring gray hair in color from light brown to black. Color tone depends on the structure, thickness and initial hair color and contact time. Hair after using henna and Basma get shine, elasticity, easy to comb.

Henna - Hair dye plant. Powder from the leaves of a bush lawsonite. Henna powder when painting is not implemented in the structure of the hair, but the hair colors for a long time, almost like paint. In addition, henna contains substances which tighten the outer scaly layer and give hair shine.
Dyeing hair natural henna, you can never predict the intensity of the color; toning mixed with henna or vegetable dyes, which work much more predskazumy hairdressers. Damaged or bleached hair dyed very much for chemically curled or gray hair henna does not fit.

It should be remembered that henna dyed only with natural brown or natural dark brown hair. Henna is used to fade. But do not use it more often than once every two months. Frequent use of the reverse effect occurs: the hair becomes dull.
But if the hair were recently painted a means of chemical-based promelirovany or subjected chemical wave, it is necessary to refrain from painting with henna, because vegetable dyes is very difficult to reconcile with the chemical. In this case, the result may be totally unpredictable. Color can get any shade - from orange to green.

Staining henna - A delicate matter, there's a lot depends on the initial color of the hair. The most beautiful shade turns from brown-haired women, brown hair become richer and with gold shimmer, but on the dark-brown hair henna does not look particularly impressive.

White Henna to henna natural Iran has nothing to do. In the best case this other natural dyes generally chemically modified or synthetic or the ammonium salt, negatively affecting hair.
And on cosmetic counters can be found so-called "colored henna": pink, purple and so on. On the packaging there is an inscription: "100% vegetable dye henna and Basma rare varieties with colored natural additives." At best, these preparations contain henna powder and Basma with additions of synthetic dyes, which are, in fact, give different shades: purple, pink, red, blue, burgundy, and the like.

Henna and basma have in their composition tannins, they nourish the scalp, promote hair growth, strengthen them and return vitality and shine.

Exposure Time dyes of plant origin ranging from several minutes to two hours. They can be prepared in the form of infusions, rinse, paste. If they are applied to clean hair in the form of a slurry, after dyeing hair should be thoroughly rinsed under running water.

Professional Advice:

• Keep in mind that henna dyed only with natural brown hair.

• Chemical paint are dangerous because some substances from their composition are deposited in the body. Therefore, the safest to use them - the less the better. That is, you need to choose a color that is not conspicuous roots grow back, then coloring process will take time and a half to two months.

• With regard to hair damage. It's not even as a high-quality paints, and in the hands of who dye their hair. In the wrong hands, and good paint can transform your hair in tow. Before you dye your hair, find all thoroughly - the process, the quality of the paint, do not fake it, and most importantly - the quality of paint thinner. When mixed paint - watch the action hairdresser. I think that the inept use of solvent - that's the main problem. Buy high-quality real solvent. Each firm has a special solvents for their own paints. After staining did not wash your hair with cheap shampoos. Take care to have to use the balm-conditioner.

• When applying henna important skill. All you need to do quickly, while still warm henna very hot, it can be said, but the temperature is such that the scalp suffers. Be evenly paint over all the hair: and length, and "area": ​​the back of the head and crown, and whiskey - all areas should be evenly dyed. Otherwise, get a different color intensity. If you missed the boat, and henna has cooled, the coloring process is poorly effective. Select a middle temperature

• Hair graying recommended to paint in series with henna and then basmoj.

• For darker shades of hair can be colored with a mixture of henna and Basma (ratio of paint and the time of contact with the hair is individually).

• The color changes (pale) after each washing hair.

• If you are not sure what color will suit you, you should not poke fun at themselves: henna delayed to come down, it does not you will score, painted on top of chemical dyes can not be soon, otherwise spoil and color (to purple), and the structure of the hair.

• When choosing a color, you need to consider the harmony of the whole appearance.

Tips on staining mass. But there are basic parameters:

1. In a porcelain bowl pour henna (or basma, or a mixture of henna and Basma).

2. Fill with water temperature 75-90 degrees. Boiling water (100 degrees) can be used only for Basma, henna is baked at a temperature - coloring properties deteriorate.

3. Applied to the hair with a brush. It is better to find a good assistant to dye evenly. Independently dye your hair at the back is not easy! Risk to create an uneven color: in sight (forehead, temples, crown) intense at the back - faded. Elegant, well-groomed appearance will not work!

4. Plastic cover hair beret (in extreme cases - a plastic bag of appropriate size), top to warm towel or handkerchief. If stained only basmoj, then do not need to be covered.

5. Staining time depends on the starting hair color and the desired color within 15 minutes to 2 hours hours. The longer we hold, the more intense the final color. With the initial dark hair increasing. If applied to the hair only basma, the waiting period is quite nervous - Basma flowing! Please be patient. And napkins to wipe drips.

6. Wash off with a mixture of hair. Not a quick process. If promoet bad hair after drying will have to comb out the powder. At the final stage of washing is best to use hair conditioner. This provides the best flushing and brushing.

7. Do not wash your hair using shampoo 3 days.

8. The best color and familiar structure of dyed hair become after the first wash. Keep this in mind before important events. Hair dye today to tomorrow beautiful go to a party - not the best option.

Important nuances:

• If you want to get the GOLDEN RED TONE, henna not fill with hot water, and a decoction of chamomile (1-2 tablespoons per cup, brew, strain, warmed to 75-90 degrees).

• When adding natural ground coffee to the mix (1 teaspoon per 25 gr. Of powder) obtain Chestnut Tone.

• If you add the cocoa powder, we get shade WAN chestnuts.

• Want "Mahogany" - Pour hot Cahors (yes, wine!).

• If you want to PAY OFF shades of red, the coloring process will consist of two distinct phases: first - a mixture of henna, then - a mixture of Basma. Time staining basmoj usually twice shorter than the time coloring with henna. But can be increased for a darker tone.

• How to achieve a chocolate shade. This is from personal experience. Make a mixture of henna and Basma (1: 2) for 1, 5-2 hours to keep the hair. This procedure is carried out 2-3 times, if you have light brown hair. Intense chocolate color can be obtained only through a long laborious staining. For one-night stand - unreal. The longer you will be painted, the more you will feel good about yourself!

Tags: hair, beauty, Basma, secret reaction, east, color, staining, preparation, drawing, painting