Hot scissors

 They say that a woman can do anything from three things: salad, hairstyle and tragedy. And if a salad in the future it will not go, then the "tragedy" and "hair" just the words that are often linked together after a careful examination of the hair of many of us.

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On our site advises stylist hairdresser, an expert on hot scissors haircut.
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Natural conditions, frequent dyeing, chemical exposure, or simply not always the right care, result in a tragic state of our hairstyles. But both want to have healthy and shiny hair. Such that the next friend turned around and envied, similar to those in the commercials are coming from overseas and domestic stars.

But no, not only to grow them long so still and length, as soon as it is close to the ideal, it is necessary to immediately cut - the tips are cut. And thus do not allow us to be always so beautiful as you want to.

What to do, where to go, who to contact and what makeup smeared, to avoid all this ugliness? The solution to this problem suggests the time and new technical possibilities of the beauty industry - hot scissors or more on the scientific, medical haircut thermosystem «Jaguar TC». What is it and what are its pros and consistently consider very thoroughly.

Hair under a microscope and without it.

Did you see once your hair under the microscope? No? Will I require the opportunity and look necessarily. The spectacle is an amazing and very interesting.

Your eyes will appear thick rod, the walls of which are covered with microscopic scales. In healthy hair tip naturally sealed capsule into a unique and flakes are flush with each other and thus maintain an optimal moisture balance.

Unfortunately, natural protection of hair is not very strong, and the longer we grow hair, the worse their feed. The more often laid and use hairdryers, coloring and coloring, the more separate the flakes apart. And the sooner we get dry and brittle hair, who lose a healthy shine and whose tips, on top under a microscope, and later and without him, begin to resemble posechennye brush.

All this leads to tangling and difficulties in combing that spoils the mood and carries negative emotions.
Until recently, the only solution to these problems was the haircut. And often had to leave not only with the tips, but also with most of the otraschennogo wealth. But this does not always help, and sometimes affects the results, since not all scissors are ideal, nor all masters can cut the hair ends so as not to damage the scales and make the hair more smooth and not torn.

Why haircut hot and it's better than usual

They say that the idea of ​​a hairstyle hot tools was born many centuries before the technical progress. And even sometimes credited with Cleopatra of discovery of this method. Only enjoyed it warmed blades rather than scissors. In our time, this idea was born to a Swiss entrepreneur who, after learning about the methods of the great haircut queen decided to apply this procedure in modern beauty salons. And got dizzy result - your hair grow faster, better breathing, less whipped become shiny and thus bring joy to their mistresses. Hairstyle perfectly holds its shape, looks smooth and volume. However, it should be remembered that these impressions will inevitably disappear after returning to the usual hairdressing scissors.

Ability miracle scissors

Hot for exhausted - so I want to start this chapter, because it is for the prevention of depletion of frequent coloring and highlighting used hot scissors. Mowing similar method can be performed on any type of hair, both before and after dyeing. But stylists often come to believe that reasonable initially change the color, and then remove the tips of the dried paint. The temperature of the scissors is individually adapted to the structure and color as, for example, for thin or light heating is much lower than for dense and dark hair African type. Use hot technology can be at each visit to the hairdresser, because the harm this procedure can not.

Immediately if a miracle occurs and the hair returns to bygone beauty? Yes and no. You can improve the appearance of the first application of the technology, while the therapeutic effect becomes visible for the 2-3 procedures.

Differmethods of applying hot scissors. In the event that the master uses this technique for healing, he begins to work as usual and only after the desired shape is created-dried hair is divided into strands, each of which is twisted in flagella. As such, all the damaged ends are clearly visible and there are no problems in their removal though the hairstyle is retained almost its original length.

However, in addition to attending the use of hot scissors stylists are often used as the main tool in the work. Their razor more maneuverable and thus, with its help, you can make a huge number of model haircuts, while podlechivaya not only tips, but also the overall structure of the hair. Complemented by hot hairstyles often curative salon procedures, thereby resulting effect is much higher than the use of masks and balms at home.

Prices for these services vary, depending on the scope of work, and often equated to 500-1000 rubles. handling tips and 1200-1500 rubles. for a haircut. Due to the fact that at this stage, hot scissors haircut is. unfamiliar supply the demand for it is not great. However, thanks to all the benefits of this technique, we can safely predict its popularity in the near future.

Author: Alice Romanova

Tags: scissors