Hair dryers for hair styling. How to choose a hair dryer

 Hairstyle undoubtedly plays an important role in creating the image of a modern woman. On the occasion of the celebration of an important or most of you, of course, rush to the hairdresser. But each day to spend the morning at the stylist can afford not every woman. And in this case, you have the support of such a simple and wonderful tool as a hair dryer. However, a variety of models of this device often makes the choice dryer a real problem. Today women's magazine JustLady help its readers to navigate in the selection of a hair dryer that will best meet your needs.

Choosing hair styling

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you needhair dryer. If you intend to just use it to dry hair, then you just need a hair dryer with a round nozzle, the power of which should be chosen depending on the type of hair. If your hair is thick - take a more powerful model, if thin and weak - fit less powerful hairdryer.

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Hair dryers for hair styling Considering also better to choose the length of hair, their structure and the amount of imagination that you are going to put the input in creating hairstyles.

Typicallylaying medium and long hair dryers choose from three temperature regimes. Most hot air will dry the hair before styling, the average mode is used to wrap curls cool - cooling ready strands.

If you are a creative person, you fit the model dryer with at least three nozzles. Thin round tip is to create a more tight curls, large-diameter nozzle allows you to create smooth waves and lift the hair at the roots, the slit is used for drying and fixing each lock individually.

The price of a hair depends on the manufacturer. It also takes into account the functional convenience (rotary knob, weight, number of nozzles). You can buy a decent model for an average of 1,500 rubles.

Nozzle diffuser is suitable for those who have curly hair or due to the nature of the chemical wave. It will create a three-dimensional fluffy hair. Also, this tool lets you quickly dry hair, because the air comes not from one place, and from several sources on the "fingers" nozzle.

For long straight hair fit nozzle "supervolyum", which allows you to create a pretty decent amount for smooth hair. Short hair does not require much effort in styling, enough for them dryer with nozzle brush.

If you are going to open a hair salon at home, it is best to chooseProfessional hair dryerWhich is more power than the household. The standard model of professional hair dryer is equipped with two speeds and four modes temperature control, as well as two slotted nozzles of different sizes. Prices for these devices depend on the power of additional functions, plays an important role weight. The average price of a good quality hair dryer - about 3000 rubles.

Hair dryers for hair styling. How to choose a hair dryer

Currently, manufacturers of hair dryers try to make their products as much as possible harmless - it is well known that the high temperature in the hair dryer is bad for the hair condition. For this purpose, and have been establisheddryers with ionizers. During operation of the dryer emits negative ions, which do not allow hair to dry, while significantly reducing the drying time. Ionizers also remove static electricity, the hair becomes more manageable and well-kept stacking.

Another novelty -hairdryers with ozone lamps. During drying due to the action of ozone hair Softens, soft and shiny, reduces hair loss. Prices for dryers with an ionizer or ozone lamp start at $ 100.

Another popular tool forhair styling are devices for rectification. They look like flat pliers with ceramic coating inside. More expensive models are equipped with a thermostat, with which you can select the temperature depending on the type of your hair.

In order to mitigate the negative effects of use devices for hair straightening, manufacturers have also Spitz with a special coating. This can be ion-ceramic or tourmaline coating, whose task protect hair from drying, keep them shiny and healthy appearance. The average price for high quality hair straighteners within 1,500 rubles, however, here as always it depends on the manufacturer.

If you are going to buyhair stylingWhich can be used on the road, here you should pay attention not so much on his ability but rather on convenience. Firstly, ideally it should have a foldable handle - so it takes up less space in the luggage. Secondly, it is necessary to take care of that, complete with a hairdryer was an adapter that will allow you to work from Penuel outlet with any voltage.

When usinghair dryer Do not forget to use special tools to create styling, as well as to protect the hair from the harmful effects of high temperatures. If you have a very ordinary hair dryer with hot air, and you use it every day, make sure you take steps to strengthen the nutrition and hair using special creams and masks.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: hair dryer, selection, packing, packing, ionization