Restorative hair mask.
The most versatile tool for hair care is a mask for the hair tonic on the basis of burdock oil. Do not need anything to invent. Simply put oil on the hair roots and carefully rub it into your scalp. Then you need to wrap your head with a towel and shampoo to wash off after an hour. Another popular and effective way to strengthen the hair is a decoction of onion peel, which is necessary to wash your hair at least once a week. For best results it is recommended to rinse the head decoction of burdock roots.
Masks for hair shine.
Two tablespoons of parsley roots pour two cups of warm water, bring to boil and boil yes ten or fifteen minutes. The resulting broth drain, cool and use as a rinse after each shampooing.
Mask for hair growth.
For the preparation of this mask is necessary: one teaspoon of aloe juice and lemon, egg yolk, garlic clove. All components mix and apply on hair roots. After forty minutes, rinse and rinse decoction of chamomile. Mask must be done every time before washing the head for three weeks.
Mask against dandruff.
Garlic grate. The resulting slurry was applied to the roots of the hair for two hours before shampooing. For owners of greasy hair it is recommended to add into mush one teaspoon of honey and one egg yolk. Mask to do more than once a week.
Excellent means to stimulate the metabolic processes in the roots of the hair is a hair mask with salt. To prepare the masks need to take two tablespoons fine iodized salt, add two tablespoons of water. Before applying the mask is necessary to wet the head. Massaging movements rub salt solution into the scalp and leave for a few minutes to absorb. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.