To appreciate the benefits of masks during treatment uses only natural hair care products. As a shampoo - the egg yolks with a pinch of baking soda, and instead of balm - broths nettle, peppermint, chamomile, rose petals, linden blossom.
Egg and carrot hair mask
Stir in 2 egg yolks 2 tablespoons pour carrot juice and 1 tablespoon unrefined vegetable oil. The resulting mixture soak the roots of the hair, and then apply it over the entire length. Put on your hair oilcloth, and over a woolen hat. After 30-40 minutes, rinse your hair with water and rinse the pre-cooked strained broth nettle.
Pumpkin mask for damaged hair
Equal to the amount of juice raw pumpkin and carrot mix with 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil. Saturate the hair from root to tip and leave under cover for 30-40 minutes. This mask is rich in provitamin A - carotene, which not only restores the structure of the hair shaft, but also gives the hair a nice rich color.
Oil Mask for damaged and dry hair
Mix cedar, olive and burdock. Add the oil solution of 2-3 capsules of vitamins A and E. Apply everything from root to tip, carefully rubbing the oil into strands. Leave on for 30-40 minutes under the film. Rinse the shampoo and rinse with herbal decoction.
Honey Hair Mask
In the finely grated onion, add the paste of honey in the ratio of 5: 1. Put a lot from root to tip, and after 30 minutes rinse with water, and finally rinse decoction of birch leaves. With highly-dried hair, add to the basic ingredients a little vegetable oil. This mask not only restores damaged hair, but also strengthens the roots. However, if the person has a severe vascular mesh, honey mask is better not to use it.