How to tie your hair

How to tie your hair
 Owners of long hair can only envy, but few know that these lucky have their little problems. For example, it is difficult to quickly make a beautiful hairdo, but still not so, as in all. As a rule, tie your hair turns out, just put them in a banal tail. However, this can be done in different embodiments.
 Make tail bow. Apply a means for laying on basal part of the head. Tap gently on a small fleece, on top up in a bundle. To look turned extraordinary, fix the tail slightly to one side. Pass it through the gum towards the face again, but do not remove it completely, to get the kind of knot. A whole bunch split in half - this will be the future of the two bow. Free beam locks perekin'te back tuck and fasten behind invisible. "Bow" is also pin the pins. Secure hair lacquer.

Pofantaziruyte partial tail. Sprinkle with dry hair serum for shine, toothed comb carefully allocate funds across the head. Dry the hair dryer, lifting at the roots. Divide into two strands, one zacheshite forward second ago. Separate from the front fringe of hair, the remaining tie in a ponytail. Carefully select the lock of the tail, wrap the her gum tuck inside. On the sides of the face are two separate locks. Rootstock little bangs and side locks. The back of the hair just comb.

Try an original way - a double knot ponytail or eight. Wash your hair, blot with a towel. On the back of the head, apply hand fixing gel zacheshite curls back. Spend the end of a comb parted, divided into two equal parts, tie them in a simple knot how to tie a string or tape. Change direction again and make a knot, funny its decorative hairpins, invisible. Protruding ends hide inside or leave it, it will add to the original, which gives fashion
"Disheveled" look.

The easiest, fastest and effective option - to tie the tail beautiful scarf. Fold the scarf along to the desired width. Pre-made horse bun on top. Place the bottom of the resulting tape, wrap the few times around the beam ends connected by a beautiful brooch pin.

Turn creativity, try different options, and your hair will be irresistible.

Tags: hair, hairstyle