How to stop the growth of body hair

How to stop the growth of body hair
 One of the most important indicators of femininity is soft and smooth skin. This explains the tireless pursuit of the fair sex to get rid of unwanted body hair. Methods to combat excessive vegetation lot, but some of them are ineffective, other lead to significant savings.
 One of the most simple, unobtrusive techniques is hair removal wax. It does not require great effort and does not entail large financial investments on the part of the client. Procedure can be performed if desired right at home. For this it is necessary to cause heated to a certain temperature wax to the problem area. Then must be covered with wax smeared zone special paper strip for hair removal and weight wax cools simultaneously try to pull off a piece of paper from the skin against the hair growth. Do a better job rather abruptly. The only unpleasant thing in this whole story is soreness manipulation. Therefore, women with a high pain threshold after a trial hair removal usually refuse to conduct repeated executions.

A common way to deal with is the use of hair growth inhibitors. The structure of inhibitors include substances that alter the structure of the hair follicle. Under the influence of the chemical constituents of hair thinning, and then completely stop growing. The technique also is relatively cheap and do not require a professional cosmetologist.

The fight against excess vegetation on exposed skin should begin with a preliminary bleaching hair. For example, one can use the traditional structure of the hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, mixed with shaving foam.

Modern beauties are known and such drastic methods as laser - epilation or allow to get rid of hair growth permanently. The procedure certainly painful, but effective.

The essence of this effect lies in the fact that the laser beam or a stream of photons destroy the hair follicle. However, to get rid of unwanted hair in one session does not work, but with patience and money all goals are achievable.

Tags: hair growth, hair removal, body, vegetation