Take care that the rooms where you spend most of the time, it was sufficient humidification. The work of heating and air-conditioning in the winter makes the air in the room is very dry, it can not affect the condition of hair and skin. To solve this problem - purchase and install special room humidifiers. Positive effect in this situation may have decorative fountains and aquariums. Also of great importance in the creation of ambient atmosphere have indoor plants, which, unfortunately, also suffer from dry air and need watering.
Include in your diet more food products that contain vitamin A, has a positive effect on hair (sea buckthorn, carrot, cream, butter, egg yolks, etc.).
Another, and perhaps the most important way to moisturize the hair at home is the use of special tools. During the day, periodically spray the hair with thermal water. After shampooing, rinse hair decoction of nettle, chamomile, horsetail and rosemary essential oil solution. Good effect is rinsing birch juice or green tea.
After shampooing, use a special spray, which in addition to moisture have many other useful properties - facilitate combing make hair shinier and softer, and "fix" the color of dyed hair.
Effective means to moisturize the hair are homemade mask. Half an hour before shampooing, apply on hair burdock, castor or olive oil. Recently goes well with chicken eggs. To prepare the masks take 30 grams of butter and 2 egg yolks, beat the mixture thoroughly, apply it on your hair and wash after 30 minutes head. A great assistant for dry hair - it honey. It can be mixed with a shampoo or a mask making. Apply this mask on your hair and tie the top with polyethylene, half an hour wash head.
Using these methods, you will see the desired results in the shortest possible time. Hair will become more powerful, thick, shiny and will delight you with its luxury and beauty.