Washing - hygienic procedure necessary for all hair types, but for dry hair is a kind of test. Must be prepared to wash his head, carefully combing her. So sebum distributed over the entire surface of the hair, protecting it from drying.
Good moisturize dry hair cosmetic oils. They rubbed into the scalp and hair spread over the surface for 1, 5-2 hours before washing. Hair should wrap up warm towel on the application of the mask. For moisturizing treatments fit the following oils: burdock, olive, castor, apricot, peach, grape seed, almond.
Use a mild shampoo for dry hair, that are designed for cleaning and moisturizing at the same time. Dry and brittle hair rinse decoction of herbs after each wash (nettle, chamomile, dandelion, burdock). Hairdryer and straighteners - enemies dry hair. It is better to completely abandon their use or use infrequently.
Washed hair should be protected by additional indelible moisturizing products: air conditioners, sprays, creams with a light texture that will maintain an optimal level of moisture in the hair. If the necessary funds are not turned under, again help cosmetic oil. It should be applied to clean hair tips, and remove any excess with a towel.
Dry hair to dry naturally before going to bed. Friction wet strands of linen spoil their structure. Wet hair is better not comb to avoid damage.
Dried hair comb gently, starting from the tips. Do not let the fact that they were broken or stretched. Combing - also a way to moisturize dry hair. During this procedure, cutaneous fat is distributed evenly through the hair, which ensures their hydration and protection.
Please note that there is enough liquid drink a day. The rate for a healthy person - 2 liters of drinking water. A sufficient amount of fluid in your body will benefit the state of dry hair.
Eat more fruits and vegetables in their raw form. They - the sources of essential vitamins for dull and brittle hair. When the issue of excessive dryness can drink a course of vitamins for nails, hair and skin. Such care will improve the overall health and make smarter hairstyle with hair prone to dryness.