Perfect French crepe

 Lightly touching pancake topic in the previous post, I was determined to wake up early on a Saturday morning and repeat the long tradition of his mother. Fortunately, in my address book is full of good and, most importantly, proven recipes for pancakes and fritters. Seeing the word "crepe" caught my eye. Here's what I need.

Crepes - a thin-thin pancakes recipe that came to us from France. Refined (like the French themselves) and flavorful crepes on the menu of almost every self-respecting gourmet restaurants, coffee shops and cafes family size "take-away". Crepes stuffed with fruits, berries, cream, savory ingredients: mushrooms, meat pate, soft cheeses. Required attribute proper French crepe - thin crispy edges. But here it is important to ensure that during frying pancake baked through evenly, the edges have a bad property to be burnt pan.

By the way, delicious pancake cake with cream Chantilly, strawberry, banana and chocolate - was the best dessert I've tried while traveling through Europe.
Perfect French crepe
An interesting observation: people living on the other side of the Atlantic, think crepes rather complicated dish, cook them taken not every hostess - you need some skill and "hand stuffed". And the pancakes in the understanding of Americans and Canadians - our pancakes, only bigger in diameter and less fatty. Bake them "penkeyki" of different types of flour, served mainly stack of several pieces, pour maple syrup, melted chocolate and honey. Tasty, yes, but it is not crepes :)
French pancakes recipe perfect simple. We need:
  • 300 ml of whole milk;
  • 150-200 g sifted flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • small pinch of baking soda;
  • 1 tbsp. l. melted butter;
  • some sugar (to taste).

Perfect French crepe

Mix the egg yolks, sugar, salt and baking soda. Add the milk and flour, stirring the resulting mixture thoroughly whisk to avoid lumps. Cooked pancake batter put a few hours in the fridge, covered with cling film container.

Perfect French crepe

Baking crepes I advise you to take a pan with Teflon coating, and the rest will not work. Rascal clean and dry frying pan over high heat, grease it a little oil or butter (what more to taste). I am using for this purpose a special silicone brush, but the fit and small potato, cut in half and mounted on the shaft plug.

Perfect French crepe

Pour batter for crepes in a well-heated pan with a thin layer. The dough evenly distributed, gently tilt the pan around. Bake crepes need to carefully: just gape - burnt pancake.

To turn the thin pancakes I use a metal spatula handy. It allows you to easily hook crepe and then turn it over. Do not overdo it - pancakes easily torn. When crepe browned on both sides, it is necessary to remove from the pan.

Fold the finished pancakes stacked, each promazyvaya butter (optional).

Serve with lemon crepes can (grinded with sugar), mascarpone or ricotta, stewed apples and cinnamon, berry or fruit jam.

Perfect French crepe

Mixing in a hot skillet the butter, brown sugar, orange juice and zest, and a couple of tablespoons of brandy or Cointreau, you can cook the famous sauce for dessert "crepe Suzette".

Bon Appetite!