Editors JustLady on his last vacation

 Editorial JustLady, eating strawberries in the last day in May, unanimously concluded, what a wonderful word "vacation" and remembered his last trip. But the work, of course, editors prefer.

Anna Kotais: The last formal vacation I spent in Zurich, which is almost like a second home. Walk the dog and the other along the river and went to entervyu. In vain. And the last normal vacation spent in Amsterdam and all day picking flowers, weaving wreaths and recited poetry, if you know what I mean.

Editors JustLady on his last vacation

Amsterdam animal

Kira Zaitseva: I had a basic training. Just could shoot the movie "Lost", because I lived for about a week in a village near Voronezh. I do love it when I am able to organize themselves, urban zadohlik similar shake-up. In general, I learned to build fires, went through the swamps (then of course I exaggerate) galoshes, chopping wood with an ax by this parallel reading "Crime and Punishment" Dostoevsky, and showed Muscovites as Volzanka know how to fish. And yet participated in a traditional Scottish competition "Who farthest throw a log."

Nastya Elephant: May are considered? Went to Kiev, because I was not there, and it is the capital of my boyfriend. And a wonderful city. Close and inexpensive. Eyed eggs on Easter festival. Watched "Back to the Future" in Ukrainian, saw "Lagavulin" and ate a salad with foie gras. Missed the train. And we walked all the boutiques, and I tried on all Laksheri sunglasses, the sun was. I like these here, but we did not have time for them to return.

Editors JustLady on his last vacation

Alexander Wang

Anne Chu: Although I'm in a pretty old age, my first vacation happened to me last month. And it lasted for 4 days. Or 3. I went to a beautiful Russian city with the letter A. Yes so well that on the return could not remember the password from the working-mail. I was doing anything there. And before that, nearly a month living in Thailand, in the area to flee the country American retirees, but worked so hard that only collective memorable breakfasts where very, very much eaten.

Editors JustLady on his last vacation

Cheerful Garden City Haunted

Kira Zaitseva: I forgot to add that I and my milenochkom shoveled barn.

Anna Kotais: And I ate mushrooms and walked through the channels. But censorship is not to miss. By the way, it was the truffle. Mexican.

Nastya Elephant: I stroked the pig!

Anne Chu: Luck to you all.