How to dress the Russians: an interview with the designer Marina Ognetovoy

 Marina Ognetova wife rap artist Dino MC 47, has recently started to produce his own line of clothing by Mishanya. From any interview, she has so far refused: "Early to speak - to work," but let slip Justlady, how to create a waist, if you do not, why do we need and how to please instagram Parisienne.

Mishanya: It all started with the dress. I wanted to put an order and was looking for a suitable company. In the hands of the fabric was, but my head idea what dress I want. Realizing that no one will be able to realize my idea, I remembered that I know how to sew :)

For one night I sewed a dress, while her husband was on tour. Posted in instagram and twitter, the reaction of my readers I was surprised and inspired by new ideas.How to dress the Russians: an interview with the designer Marina Ognetovoy

Frankly, I did not figure the ideal, but the ability to highlight your strengths and hide weaknesses - that's the key to success. My dresses model is designed so that the silhouette looks like chiseled statue, deep tucks at the waist, visually enhance the chest. Wide belt, waist creates, even if it does not exist. Nude back and closed chest look very sexy. Completes the image of a cute bow ala "baby dollars", which makes the dress playful and not so strict.

How to dress the Russians: an interview with the designer Marina Ognetovoy

Realizing that dress failed and fell down many orders, I decided to dump the model in several colors. I bought the fabric, accessories and dresses otshila tailors of top category in my templates. Now you can buy dresses in the showroom in the heart of Moscow. Showered with final orders on marriage and other events. Now I sew a dress custom made for the client from Paris.

How to dress the Russians: an interview with the designer Marina Ognetovoy

Then I realized that I have long wanted to cloak with a hood, under heels and jeans - an indispensable thing for me! And I came up with a very simple, but at the same time stylish little thing, with a deliberately rough edges, seams inside out, a large hood and sleeves pants. This cardigan I feel comfortable, but sexy. Zabrendila back backdrop of the letter M. Now Cardigans by Mishanya sold out like hot cakes across the group in contact. I already have an assistant that handles orders.

How to dress the Russians: an interview with the designer Marina Ognetovoy

Every day I Purchase an fabrics of different colors, improvise with colors.

How to dress the Russians: an interview with the designer Marina Ognetovoy

Nastya Kovalev in overalls by Mishanya

How to dress the Russians: an interview with the designer Marina Ognetovoy

Ayse Dolmatova dresses Mishan liking.