Zombies also love: "Warm Bodies"

 Who would have thought that would be a comedy about trupakov touching, sweet and soulful film, it is suitable for viewing on a romantic date.

Tend to attribute all the credit appeared in the list of my favorite actors John Malkovich, but I'm afraid, not only in this case. "Warm Bodies" - a new round of evolution of zombie movies, discard "Zombie Sean" and "Welcome to the" Zombieland "far back, the real next level.

It would seem: deliberately zombarsky makeup, another apocalyptic themes, and even comedy genre! But from the first frame to the creators of the film manages to capture the viewer's attention and does not let go until the very titles.
The narrative is the inner voice zombie named Er (the first letter of recall - and that's enough). He bored (and what else is capable of a dead man?) Tells what happened, and even more sadly describes how to live a zombie now. While there, describes the funny, the very existence dull.
Zombies also love: "Warm Bodies"
This is the Air (Nicholas Hoult) - an interesting exception to the terribly slow and dull mass trupakov. In addition it is reasonable estimates an event and has a good sense of humor, Er also dreams of another life. Past he can not remember, but can easily dofantazirovat for artifacts that are everywhere and collects. Or eating another batch of human brains that have a wonderful property shows the absorption of zombies memories of their owner. At Ayr always with you stock your favorite goodies. First popular in the modern world of eating brains procedure is at least for someone useful.
Zombari live at the airport (as commented Ayr, waiting for something). Someone from the complete hopelessness loses last human features and becomes a so-called "bones". And these creatures have nothing more necessary than fresh chelovechenki. A small population of survivors of normal people is fenced from all this horror huge wall and wonder what counts. This small island life is in a state of war and gradually losing hope. In such a picture map of the world meeting of representatives of different creatures with common genes is possible only if sortie from their cozy gnezdyshek.
In one of these campaigns Eure meets Julie (Teresa Palmer) and immediately feels (dead!) Easy scratch tapping chest. This anatomical deformity will progress and will, in spite of the desperate character doubt John Malkovich (Julie's father), the key to saving the world.
Zombie, who teaches imitate trupakov collects beautiful things and understands the music - it's something new. An unusual angle from the creators of the film turns to look at the ordinary moments of life. For example, the longing of the living human communication, Riyadh is now at the airport, when all the people immersed in their electronic gadgets and almost collide with each other shoulders. Or timid attempts to care for Julie hero - yes, all that happens when a guy tries to please a girl. Longing for a warm conversation, trying to find the world's least something interesting and ways of artificially receive live emotions (here is the brain) - familiar, does not it?
The three states of people: normal, zombies and "bones" - a great screenwriting course. Their relationships give rise to the optimal number of conflicts. But even with such a complex structure of the stratum major events happening at the level of personal, human stories. Future once again in the hands of young men and women who care about and are curious world in which they live.