The hunt for Bilbo: "Identity Thief"

 Film Seth Gordon gathered around him a whole pack skandalschikov. In Russia, all sides are heard indignation about the translation of the name: Identity Thief in our hire comes as "Identity Thief". Obviously, with reference to spilbergovskomu hit, honestly stretched.

While Russian viewers outraged intolerant transfer, in America, defending the rights of full citizens, a famous American film critic Rex Reed with equal directness expressed his opinion about the comedy. The main claims he presented to Melissa McCarthy, and not only for her acting work, but also its appearance, with roughly comparing the tractor and gippopotamihoy.

Actress really persistently pulls up all the attention, though leaning on the ropes all over, but the picture is not her solo comic number. Melissa McCarthy got used to the way successful, but the character is in serious doubt.
In a happy husband and father Sandy Patterson (Jason Bateman), everything in life develops best when he discovers that someone thoroughly profit at its expense, jeopardizing the life of the whole family. It turns out that a lady from Florida took advantage of his personal information by impersonating him and zeroed credit card, and the police is powerless to do anything. It is doubly sad that the woman was able to crank out this machination, because Sandy has not yet been able to prove that he was named after a famous athlete. Throwing aside all doubts about his wife's pretensions to his superhero career, desperate accountant sent across the country for the culprit of its bankruptcy, hoping to persuade her to confess everything.
In fact, it is a clever fraud personalities: Sandy and Diana (Melissa McCarthy), or as it is there actually. But for Moroka strained jokes, gang warfare and other activities inherent comedy and road movie, and this does not make out. For provincial party girl and Playgirl (blue shadows, pink lip gloss and chemistry, apparently universal markings) hides touching life story, reminds us of the original title of the film (Identity Thief). But it's not as funny as the ability to spew heroine avalanche of green vomit in response to the request of a police officer to breathe into a tube.
The hunt for Bilbo: "Identity Thief"
Description of the main characters in this story complement each other well, but exaggerated so that the living manifestation of humor is limited to relatively rare episodes. It is worth noting the curious moments of sincerity, or, conversely, deliberate posturing character of Melissa McCarthy. There are no bitterness and harshness, even greed no - a crime for her only way to survive. Unfortunately, these ideas are quite curious sideways, leaning against the wall. Most of the screen time Diana falls mattress on the ground, absurd touches down, running or depicting sexual dance.
The originality of jokes "Identity Thief" is far from comedies with which it is compared (from the creators of "Odd Man Out" and "Horrible Bosses"). Pathos and absurdity of it is not "to dance." Left feeling disparate sketches played with varying degrees of enthusiasm.
The above-mentioned Rex Reed complained that Jason Bateman and his talent was in a failed project, but it turned out that he was the initiator of it. At the same time the actor has played well, although a little monotonous.
The very idea of ​​"Identity Thief" claiming the relevance and social problems affecting besides search query itself is not bad, but in this format, it is not fired. In addition to wonderful moments captured from life: love the girls to his father, a willingness to trust his boss to the employee, the ability to enjoy the "now", Solo wholeheartedly favorite song in the car - and very rarely tolerable jokes and remember nothing. In general, it is a one-time comedy quite clumsy humor, which is unpleasant to watch, even for dinner and would not want to recommend to friends.
Weak excuse for a movie someone could be that the "Identity Thief" - a project that was originally not intended to be a huge honor - in worldwide box office is very smartly and have at times exceeded its budget.
Our rent a movie starts March 21.