Our brain is suffering from split personality

 When nothing else to do, get self-improvement. Work on self-control, for example. Did not get to start learning the language, drawing, pump ass or preparation for the second highest? Feel free to diagnose problems in their willpower. And it will be a small beginning.

You can go to a psychologist who will point out problems and suggest how to deal with them, to find a boyfriend or come up with a hyperactive penal system, for example, to introduce fines for each day spent in vain, and send money to the organization that you can not stand. Many ways. But the first thing interesting to understand why you are doing certain actions, or vice versa just can not do something. What motivates you?

Anyway, the question of willpower affected in many books on psychology, but the most curious was the work of Kelly McGonigal on this topic. The book is called - "Willpower", and self-control appears in it as a full-fledged scientific discipline.

A variety of clever trompe l'oeil brain - seems to be obvious, but they are difficult to track - are investigated by many neuroscientists and psychologists. And fascinatingly described. Kelly McGonigal, in particular, relates how bad think about the future, immersed in memories and as pink cupcakes associated with the saber-toothed cat.

Our brain is suffering from split personality
"Willpower" - a kind of practical guidance on how to stop being a servant of the games own brain. Fun and effective training course willpower. The book is organized as a tutorial with the conclusions at the end of each chapter, questions and homework. Bored? Would be such textbooks - all to remember and now how to deal with chemical equations and all the characters' Nedorosl "name.
Meet the brains, our greatest enemy. Because of the inherent sometime in the past neprodvinutye schemes and behaviors modern people have to get fat, drain all your money on clothes, work on unloved work and constantly complain about life.
Kelly McGonigal laid willpower in the human brain into three simple equations and told how to solve them sequentially. These parts are difficult tasks in our minds by the author calls the "I will", "I will not" and "I want."
Our brain is suffering from split personality
They are in the neighborhood, and a person with a weakened willpower are in civil war. What does it mean conscious "I will" and "I will not" armed with much weaker than the "I want" with its powerful dopamine bomb. Illustrations loss of willpower weight: overeat at dinner, skip the deadline. If you make a card like "explosions", almost all the places on our planet where people live, will be painted in bright red. Except, perhaps, Tibet and other peaceful and prosperous places. And here is an important and simple hidden secret - the one who does not lack vitality, it is easy to make friends with his willpower and efficiently communicate with her. Ie lead to harmony and balance of the two polar pole existing in the same brain - self-control and imulsivnoe "I".
Our brain is suffering from split personality
Among the spectacular tricks of the head can distinguish several more. Our good deeds often justify a couple of favors. For example, donating to an orphanage at the exit of the product, we light-heartedly go to a nearby clothing store and pamper yourself a new blouse. And then, finding no reason to put her and blaming themselves tranzhirstvo unconsciously behavior so upset that we feel the most miserable in the world. As a consequence, we decide at all to drop everything and go get a drink in the bar. The process can take as little as half a day, and the man managed to get into all the traps of his own brain. So, blaming ourselves, we inexplicably commit evil deeds.
Another illustration of the illogical behavior of the human psyche - the struggle with obsessive thoughts and ideas. The book provides a tiny tale of memories of Leo Tolstoy, who provided the impetus for a series of research and helped unleash another knot in understanding the tricks of the human brain. Tolstoy recalls how his brother Nicholas asked him to play: the boy had to sit in the corner until until driving away the thought of a white bear.
Our brain is suffering from split personality
When Nicholas came back into the room, his younger brother did not budge. It turns out that all attempts to get rid of the obsessive thoughts turn into a complete failure when the brain focuses exclusively on them. So it is impossible to quit smoking, start to play sports and to realize all the things that I want to be so in the future.
But with him, the future, it is very tricky. In one study, students were asked to assign a portion of indigestible mixture of ketchup, soy sauce, mustard and some other shit myself yourself in the future and a stranger in the audience. With regard to the third, poor things, everything is clear. But it turned out that people have such a false picture of yourself in the future, they are ready to measure out a decent portion of the proposed nonsense. As if in a few months, people become less squeamish, his stomach will get stronger and generally it turns into a superhero.
Our brain is suffering from split personality
So, in principle, to become a superhero possible. If you observe their behavior and learn in time to catch an impulsive desire, tuning in awareness and self-control. It is important to practice. Something like computer games, races learn to ride without hitting the curbs, can later time. In the book "Willpower" has tips and specific exercises. The hardest part, of course, be given 5 minutes a day on their implementation. Discard the everyday hustle and bustle, an endless stream of consciousness in the head and concentrate on their actions. As stated in a wise phrase: "If all the people in the world for a moment to stop and think, no matter how many mistakes they could have been avoided! ". And such a stop could be a big step toward achieving the principal goal.