Pierced ears: luxury or style?

Pierced ears: luxury or style?
 The word "piercing" Today is difficult to surprise someone. In the ranking of popular destinations bodmoda he has long been unequivocally ranked first. And among the infinite variety of punctures one of the leaders is considered to be pierced ears.
 The man with the primitive times sought to decorate your body. And the ears have become an ideal place for this. They are open to the views of others and easily attract attention. Anatomically complex terrain of the ear allows for wildest fantasies pirsingista. In addition, healing in the ear punctures occurs faster than in other parts of the body.

Fashion and beauty industry did not fail to take advantage of this by making earrings accessory out of time, and piercing - synonymous with sexuality. But getting aesthetic pleasure - not the only reason to modify the ears. Get away from the label layman join Curiosities, stand out from the masses, or simply to pay tribute to the idol - that the forces that cause the planet to spin piercing.

Many believe that the fashion of piercing dictates of Western culture. This is partly true, but only in regard to its modern metamorphosis. In old Europe could ears pierced only by people of certain social groups (dependent on class, gender and occupation era dictated by geography and accommodation). Modern society has leaped forward, and pierced ears ceased to be just a decoration of the body. Alternative subculture made it their attribute, a symbol of protest refined society. This gave rise to a transition from the classical ear-piercing (puncture lobes) to the modern variety.

Today, there are about a dozen basic variants of ear piercing, depending on the location of the puncture. More conservative population, paying tribute to the tradition of limited puncture lobes. Youth and people of creative warehouse, pushing the conventional framework of the ear cartilage pierced literally inside and out. Thrill tunnels and insert plug (closed tunnels). A very advanced individuals combine several types of piercing one ear.

Pierced ears have become an integral part of the image of millions of people, regardless of age, gender, occupation and outlook. Why did someone manage to strike a balance between personal style and fashion statement, and someone becomes a laughing stock?

The secret is not only in the presence of a sense of proportion, refined taste and maturity of thought. It is important to own attitude - whether a person is who he is positioning himself. Goths, punks and other representatives of subcultures may look quite organically, if their external attributes corresponds to inner convictions. And propirsingovannye ears (and other body parts) will cause though mixed feelings, but, nevertheless, fit into the image.

For ordinary people, not burdened with such radical views, piercing was an opportunity to get away from the routine of the image, to emphasize individuality. Although there are personal preferences directly limited degree as adventurous as the social status of the individual. Banker with a tunnel in the ear or a schoolteacher with "industrial music" - it's still nonsense in our society.

Youth is perhaps the most ardent adherent bodmoda general, and in particular pirsingovannyh ears. It is in this social group often can be found individuals who are otherwise as a "victim" of fashion can not be called. To the detriment of their own "I" blindly copy everything, inserting a metal pounds and increasing the number of punctures exponentially. Such excesses made rashly and in haste, in the future, can ruin the lives of their owners. If a small puncture in the lobe heal with time, a large hole after the tunnel will hang unaesthetic piece of skin - and this is unpleasant sight. These effects can be corrected surgically.

Another thing - thoughtful, high-quality piercing. Done carefully and tastefully, it allocates its owner from the crowd, emphasizing his individuality. Such people are often the object of envy and emulation. Of course, they can not deny a certain courage and even eccentricity. But if you bet on a bright, memorable image, such risk is justified.

Tags: ear style, ear piercing, piercing, lobe, excess