Natural pearls

 Natural natural pearls - the most perfect and mysterious gift of the sea. Pearls born in the depths of the ocean, in mollusk shells are beautiful in their absolute beauty. Natural pearls - is the living flesh that can fade, die and be reborn. Women's magazine JustLady offers its readers a fascinating journey into the world of pearl, mother of pearl in dreams.

Under the heading Trends: History of Diamonds

Natural pearlsAs a man grows old and dies. And a tool capable to prolong the life of this mineral, has not yet been invented. Of course, there are "old wives' recipes and save the pearls in each country they own. For example, in France tarnished pearl placed between two bloody steak. And in London and New York, in the major jewelry houses employ special women whose work is valuable to wear pearls on her neck, feeding their own sweat. By the way, this gem of organic origin is most afraid of vinegar, lemon juice and champagne.

Pearl dies slowly - at first dull, loses luster, gradually darkens after shrinking, if dry. Most of all he loves the warmth of human skin, but not all. For example, the last Russian Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, adorednatural pearls and was able to wear it. But her skin had a rare property to kill pearls. To rejuvenate the pearls she drove around for a young peasant girl, who was sleeping in the royal pearls. Obviously, the skin girl had life-giving moisture for pearls. In the history of pearls occupies a special place House of Romanov. He was famous for its exceptional beauty pearl jewelry.

Natural pearls

Their fascination with mother of pearl stones from the time of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. But especially loved the large choicenatural pearls in Byzantium. And understand not only the Byzantines in saltwater pearls, but also in the river - it is smaller. In Russia, the river was the size of a pearl beads. In pre-Petrine times they embroidered vestments and trim salaries Gospels.

Natural pearls

Throughout the history of this stone, many felt love for him, at times bordering on insanity. And yet on the number of pearls nobody could compare withElizabeth I. The main point of pride that the Queen was a huge pearl "Pellegrin"Caught off the coast of Panama in the late XVI century. The further history of this rare gems, little is known. After World War II it hadElizabeth Taylor - A magnificent gift gave her then-husband, Richard Burton. Pearl suffered an absurd fate - her dog ate Elizabeth. Amusing incident proved fatal.

Natural pearls

At the beginning of the XX century in the pearl business, there was a sensation - the invention of a completely artificial pearls. In the 20s famousCoco Chanel real mother of pearl stones mixed with man-made and string of pearls mandatory addition to any closet. In France today there is still a tradition of pearl. Every well-bred girl sixteenth birthday to give a pearl necklace.

Natural pearls

In addition to round, fabulously expensive pearls, modern jewelers appreciate wrong, "baroque" pearls. Parisian fashion house «My Torrente» includes in its collection of rare black and gray Tahitian pearls.Natural pearls valued very highly, especially if it is the correct form. Meet this - a great success and rarity. Most often these can be found among vintage pearls. For example, earringsnatural pearls can cost a fortune. Buy the pearl jewelry often can be expensive at auction fashion houses.

And yet, in a fashion more often use imitation pearls. British designerJohn Galliano, the Frenchman Christian Lacroix and Alexander MacQueen include in their collection of embroidery artificial pearls. Very often they occur in their wedding clothes.

Natural pearls

One can endlessly admire the shimmering surface of pearls like going inside. Natural stones glow deep and intense shine. Wearnatural pearls always prestigious. Stylish and elegant, it never goes out of fashion. But do not forget to look after him - and he will answer you in return.

Shuvalov Eugene
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pearls