How to wear jewelry

How to wear jewelry
 In a huge variety of modern jewelry importantly - do not lose your head. After all across so beautiful, original gizmos that I want to put everything at once. But this is not worth it. Need to select jewelry together and accordingly, the event that you are about to visit.

Jewelry is quite diverse, and it can be worn as a job on a weekday, and the welcome reception.

To a business suit looked fresh and fashionable, decorate it with accessories. The classic jacket is perfect large brooch in the form of a flower made of feathers or tissue. It can be light green, pink or bright yellow. Do not forget that any element of your outfit should match in color with a brooch. This can be the shoes and clutches, border pattern on the skirt or trousers. Other jewelry, except for very discreet earrings, wear is not necessary. Still, you're in the workplace, rather than a fun party.

But going on holiday, you can show imagination. It is fashionable to combine incongruous. Put cocktail dress with bare shoulders, decorate your neck with a bright ribbon or a large brooch beautifully knotted bow. Or try on a long chain of beads made of thick, woven with natural stones. Classical motifs mixed with punk style - nail of the season.

If you are invited to a formal event, followed by a banquet, you need to look solemn and dignified. You need an evening dress and high-heeled shoes. Very nice look long gloves, jewelry ring with large stones. Of course, preferably natural materials, but not everyone has the opportunity to purchase diamond jewelry in a few carats. So feel free to use jewelry. Ring, earrings, necklace, or tiara with the original design perfectly complement the evening dress.

The most important thing in choosing jewelry - do not try to choose the decorations, like real jewelry. Forgery strongly evident and not only decorates you, but also spoils the impression. It is better to let it be even a plastic ring, but the original design and expertly matched to the outfit. Then all the surrounding appreciate your taste and ability to combine accessories, and in no case do not think about the value of your jewelry.

Tags: jewelery, costume jewelery