How to decorate a blouse

How to decorate a blouse
 Blouses, shirts, sweaters and cardigans in every wardrobe. Usually they do not stay long and quickly changed to new ones, but among them there are those that sorry to leave. One of the options - decorate jacket with applique, artificial flowers or rhinestones.
 Blouse thin knitted can be decorated with flowers made of fabric. You'll need fabric texture close to that from which the sewn blouse. It is not necessary to use decorative color matter is much more dense and coarse than the blouse. Then the flowers will delay the fabric jackets, and looks like it's not very harmonious.

Cut the many identical squares, fold each in half and cut it so as to obtain in the unfolded state flower of four petals. Then fold the two flowers together to upper petals superimposed on the gap between the lower petals and prisoberite on a thread about where was the line of the fold. Provides three-dimensional flower, decorate. Sew a lot of flowers on the jacket.

Coup will also use decorative patches of knitted, denim, fine or artificial leather. And you can not just make a decorative patch, and patch-pocket. Very funny and original use as decorations such pocket-half old gloves, mittens or sock.

Drawing on the fabric - tested and safe way to decorate clothing. The easiest way to paint a bright cloth. Put on a sheet of white paper in black marker template pattern or design. Sheet template put between "before" and "back" sweaters, exactly at the place where it should be drawing and pin the sheet to the fabric pins. After a light fabric thick lines drawn in black marker will be clearly visible, and you can easily translate chalk or soap circuit pattern on the jacket.

If a dark jacket, you'll have to draw directly on the fabric. Carefully paint the outline of acrylic paints. It is best to first apply all elements of a light color, then darker, and so on until the darkest tones. Thus you will avoid the danger that different colors of paint smeared and mixed.

For knitted sweaters suit embroidery large beads, sequins, knitted decorative flowers.

Tags: color, fabric, blouse, applique