Several years ago, a young Chinese family Feng first child was born. The girl was so ugly that Zhang Feng, dad Chad rolled his wife a real scandal, until the establishment of paternity through DNA analysis. It should be noted, the wife of Feng externally - quite attractive people. Once the analysis has shown that the child is still on Zhang, the girl's mother had to admit that in the past she has made several plastic surgeries, to radically change her appearance. It is known that plastic surgery can not influence the shape of future children.
Feng's wife before and after plastic surgery
Deceived husband immediately asked for a divorce and gave it to his wife in court. What is interesting, the Chinese court with claims Feng agreed and ordered to pay a victim of plastic surgery man 120 thousand dollars for concealing the true face. Zhang himself commented: "When we got married, I was crazy about his wife. However, with the advent daughter went problems. The girl is so ugly that she sometimes just scared me. "