If, Pere chocolate, metaphorically you say "I think I'm going to die" in this metaphor may be hiding some truth. Ross Pomeroy, editor RealClearScience, figured out how much you need to eat chocolate, sweet to die. He found that the worst thing in chocolate - it's not even sugar. Theobromine contained in cacao, which has vasodilating properties, even in small doses in humans causes arrhythmias, nausea and heart problems. In the more he can bring to the lethal effect.
Pomeroy calculated lethal human dose of theobromine. To get it, the average child is 10 years enough to eat about 7 kg of chocolate. Such quantity of sweets will lead to death in 50% of cases. If the child at this age weighs about 30 kg, it is easy to calculate that an adult will need to chocolate suicide many times more chocolate.