That in the natal chart indicates sexual compatibility

That in the natal chart indicates sexual compatibility
 Sexual Compatibility - one of the prerequisites for the creation of a strong family, a pledge of a happy marriage. Determine how you approach each other in bed, you can according to individual natal charts, which take into account under which zodiac sign you were born, and how at the time of birth were located Mars and Venus.
 If you are interested in what aspects in the natal chart indicates sexual compatibility, note the location of Mars and Venus. It is these two planets and determine how you will be fine together. If these planets are in air signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, it has a negative impact on sexual potential.

In the case where they are located in the fire signs: Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, we can speak of a strong temperament and early onset of sexual activity. Unfortunately, these people pretty quickly "burn out", so to maintain high potency for a long time it is rarely possible. In addition, they burn very quickly and in love, passionate at first, getting their own, they can become noticeably calmer, if not colder. This is especially true Aries. The good news is that these signs are usually characterized by fidelity to the partner.

When in the natal chart, Venus and Mars are in one of the water signs: Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, a man distinguished by romanticism and tenderness, fatal passion alien to him. If the Venus and Mars are in aspect with Pluto, such a person will have a pronounced sex appeal. Location Venus and Mars in the signs of the earth: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, makes such people practical and down to earth in love. For sex they need comfort and pleasant, relaxing ambiance.

In synastry sexual compatibility can be a man in the aspect of Mars and Venus women. Trine, folding between planets in one element, also says that the partners can be a strong sexual attraction. But even better, when the synastry between the two partners have the aspect of the square. He determines not only the sexual compatibility, but that passion does not fade away with time. But the square suggests a violent passion, when the outbreak of uncontrollable sexual desire may be interleaved violent quarrel with the smashing of crockery.

Tags: card, sign, compatibility aspect