Most incompatible zodiac signs

Most incompatible zodiac signs
 Primitive man, still not completely separating themselves from the outside world, strive to live by analogy with him, and in front of an analogy between himself and the natural events and phenomena. Yes, and astrology, in fact - is also one of the many attempts to explain the world of mankind. Starry night sky, dazzling in its beauty and mystery, could not attract the attention of the ancients. However, finally the laws of astrology were formed somewhere to 3000 BC
 However, in astrology, there are several ways to determine the compatibility / incompatibility of amorous couples. Do astrologers, whose research has always reflected the most advanced scientific ideas have not yet been able to agree? Or is it human nature, it is difficult to put into the framework of even the most perfect system?

And then, and more. Since its inception, astrology has undergone a number of changes that have to strictly verified starry sky very indirect relationship. Favorite scholar grandee of any monarch could to please him, to redraw the map of the constellations so that the descendants of using his "scientific" survey, inevitably fall into error if only the beginning not scrupulous observation of the movement of the stars and planets. And start all over again, until the next pundit, approximate to the next emperor.

So what are the methods currently in use, more democratic (at least outwardly) time, are considered when determining the compatibility / incompatibility marks the most accurate?

Firstly incompatible marks disposed one after another. For example, Aquarius will always seek to rule Pisces, and those in turn - Aries, which simply prints out the earthiness of Taurus itself (although ruffle Aries can any other any other sign of quality - such a blast in his nature). At the same time, these signs and deny their existence previous existence: Aries denies Pisces and Pisces, respectively, Aquarius.

Secondly, it marks located on aspect 90 °, ie, two for the third mark. Gemini will always be compatible with Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. While on the other hand, in any of the possible "sets" signs are present at the same time the four elements: Air, Earth, Fire and Water, so maybe there is such a confrontation. None of the people would not have to connect in my mind all of them and be able to adapt to all four elements at once. So this hypothesis compatibility / incompatibility is understandable.

And thirdly, if we talk about poetry, all the 12 signs of the zodiac signs are usually subdivided into elemental emotions (Water, Fire) and intelligence (Earth, Air). Therefore, to conclude alliances with the best "of its terms." For example, Leo will be comfortable with Aries or Scorpio, but he will try to avoid Taurus and Aquarius. This method is also, of course, is hardly decisive, so there will always be more reliable to proceed in dealing with a man of his character traits and personal qualities.

Tags: sign determination method incompatibility