Want to know how you apply one or the other guy? Then try playing solitaire "Four Diamonds". To select it from the deck four jacks. Relate each of them with a young man whose attitude you're interested. Stir jacks and place cards face down in four rows.
Then shuffle a deck of cards and spread from left to right in four horizontal rows under the jacks face up. Then repeat the alignment. All you should have four horizontal and nine vertical rows.
Once all the cards are laid out on the table, start in each vertical row to remove adjacent cards of the same rank, and put them on top - on a jack. The first and last vertical cards are also considered a number of underlying and removed. If after removing the card will be near the other two, they too will have to remove and put on a jack of its range. When all possible rudder are met, collect the remaining cards, shuffle, and again lay under the jacks. Again remove adjacent cards. All you need to produce four calculations.
Then open jacks and see them lying on the card. They tell how is the appropriate person to guess. In this solitaire card each pair has its own value. For example, fell six say that guy "tramples track" Seven informed about the desire to meet. Eight mean that young people want to talk to the nines - loves dozens - interested. The presence of the ladies in the stack will inform about the change, the Kings - about jealousy. Aces say that he had a passion for Gad.
Two pairs of cards of Diamonds enhance their value.