How do you know that likes you Capricorns

How do you know that likes you Capricorns
 A person born under the sign of Capricorn, in almost any situation remains subdued, calm and balanced. This behavior often leads to confusion: understand Capricorn likes you or not, is quite difficult. How can this be done?
 Trying to win Capricorn, keep in mind that he does not like crazy things and surprises. So do not blame him for the lack of romance and violent passions. What he does not show excessive emotion, does not mean indifference on his part. Surprises, he is not able to, but if you make useful and practical gifts, then he is not indifferent to you. In Capricorn woman most appreciates decency and morality, so vertihvostok and flirts little chance to win his love.

One of the distinguishing features of Capricorn - great respect and love he has for his family. If you have received an invitation to a family lunch or dinner, it means that he had serious feelings. Mother he can demonstrate only that the girl he intends to make his wife. Capricorn to become even closer, try to find a common language with his family.

Working in a man's life, and Capricorn is one of the most important places. He appreciates material wealth and high social status, which reaches its own. If he likes you, he will be sure to share with you the news office, to talk about their projects. And if you show a genuine interest in his work and show good knowledge in its field of competence, you will become the most desirable for Capricorn interlocutor.

Despite its restraint, Capricorns are desperate for affection and approval. That they expect from the nearest person. Smiles at him, saying compliments - it became very close you.

Your relationship to nothing clouded, remember those things that Capricorns are not able to forgive. Firstly, they can not stand impatience, obsession, vulgarity and extravagance. Second, you lose Capricorn, if you ever break a promise given to him. Third, he will not forgive you if you start to criticize his family.

Is best able to get along with Capricorn women who appreciate not fun, and practicality, sobriety and reliability.

Tags: man, Compatibility, Capricorn