How can I see my future

How can I see my future
 It's hard to find someone who would not want to look to the future, to learn about the vicissitudes of his fate - at least in order to prevent some events. Can we really look into the future and how realistic it is for the average person who does not have psychic abilities?
 Know the future can be a variety of ways - for example, through the many options of divination. But divination requires certain mediumistic abilities, so use it in its entirety can not everyone.

Much more attractive in this regard looks astrology. Despite the fact that the official science, to put it mildly, relates to astrology with suspicion, the services of astrologers in the world used by millions of people, among them are heads of large successful companies. Businessmen know how to count money and are not used to throw them to the wind. And if they trust astrologers, means, in practice, have seen the value of their advice.

It should be understood that astrology does not predict future events, as such - it operates their probabilities. If it's storm, you are likely to grab an umbrella. The astrologer can also see the "cloud" on the path of life of man and warn them in advance that allows to take measures to ensure that the "do not get wet." By analyzing the horoscope, you can see not only the bad things, but also opportunities, and it is also very important. Usually a person does not know that such a day the probability of luck for him much higher than normal, so miss the opportune moment.

If you want to learn the art of astrology, then you need to download a special software program to get rid of manual calculations. One of the best programs of its kind is astroprotsessoru ZET, you can download it free version at this link:

Install the program, run it. Enter your location in the settings and standard time. Note that after the abolition of Russia's transition to winter time difference from Greenwich Mean Time is 4:00 for Moscow. For other time zones to calculate it based on the difference with Moscow time. You can customize convenient for you appearance of the program by clicking on "Settings" and select the menu item "Chart Settings".

Now you can create your horoscope (birth chart, birth chart). Press the "Input data", enter the time and place of your birth. It is important to know with accuracy the time to minutes. Entering all the data, click "Run", you will see your natal chart.

How to analyze the horoscope? This is dedicated to specialized publications, describing in detail the process. For starters, you can recommend to read the book by Alexander Kolesnikov, "Lessons of astrology." Written in lively and accessible language, this book will be very useful. For the development of the intricacies of astrology find and download on the Internet multivolume famous Russian astrologer Count AS Vronsky "Classical astrology" (11 volumes).

Analysis of the horoscope of birth of the person lets say very much, but to analyze possible future events using other horoscope. Without closing your natal chart, click the "Initial data", select the item at the bottom of the "double". In the menu that appears, select the "Transit". Click "Run". You will see a horoscope with a double set of planets: the one that was at your birth, and current. Analyzing the interaction with planets transiting planets in the birth chart, you can draw conclusions about future events. By clicking the "Dynamics of Time", you can view the events you are interested in any time period.

Tags: future, astrology, art